Time elapses. Rewind is allowed to leave her prison—er, hospital room. She needs to go around on a wheelchair, and it'll still take at least a month for her bones to mend completely, and she needs help to move around and do stuff. But she definitely won't complain about being able to eat real food more often (she is very thankful for the bot bringing her takeout), and she can keep riding along with paramedics even when she can't really move around a lot.
And one of these days, while she's in an ambulance, something lands on it, rocking the vehicle and startling her from her thoughts. The ambulance stops, and whatever it is makes noises as if it's moving and then jumps off it. Rewind twists to see through the window, and—
"Console, a really weird leafy monkey just jumped on the ambulance and then off it," she says into her comm.
Sadde and Bell in Worm
Well, the bots are tireless. And they can plot Transit paths through the city while they go.
"I was gonna ask you the same! 'Cause I don't feel like a party's a great idea, she's not terribly close to the Wards and technically we don't know each other in Arcadia."
"Awesome! Will it be on the day itself? Should I be a surprise? I should get her a gift. A book, do you think?"