Time elapses. Rewind is allowed to leave her prison—er, hospital room. She needs to go around on a wheelchair, and it'll still take at least a month for her bones to mend completely, and she needs help to move around and do stuff. But she definitely won't complain about being able to eat real food more often (she is very thankful for the bot bringing her takeout), and she can keep riding along with paramedics even when she can't really move around a lot.
And one of these days, while she's in an ambulance, something lands on it, rocking the vehicle and startling her from her thoughts. The ambulance stops, and whatever it is makes noises as if it's moving and then jumps off it. Rewind twists to see through the window, and—
"Console, a really weird leafy monkey just jumped on the ambulance and then off it," she says into her comm.
"Yeah, there's a terrifying prospect. I don't know about you but I'd definitely not be ready to be a parent, I don't think."
"Ah-huh. I don't want the bot to wake but I can live with it if I have to. I can't so much live with it waking up and being owned by someone other than me personally."
"I ask it on a regular basis. If it feels the need to hide whether or not it has woken up from me I'm not going to argue with it as long as it's not doing weird shit behind my back, and I do keep an eye on what it's concretely doing."
"But I mean, would it actually know? What if it's not a sudden switch or something? How would it even tell?"
"Warning signs I also ask about are having preferences about things, fearing ego death, and unusual quality of sensory awareness."
"But on the other hand we did evolve those in response to stimuli the bot doesn't necessarily have."
"Well, the Turing test was supposed to identify that an AI woke up, so yours could in fact be awake and we just don't really know it. Maybe it's more continuous than that, maybe self-awareness isn't all it's cracked up to be, et cetera. On the other hand the Turing test may just not be as good as all that at identifying personhood."
"Huh. Really? I'd thought it was something like being as intelligent as a human or something."
"I mean, it gets summarized sort of like that. But it's actually a pretty narrow-domain skill test. The original formulation calls for a text channel only, even."
"I wonder if I could tell a real-you from a bot-controlled copy if it were trying to fool me."
"...I don't know. It does a really good me and I don't think we've ever been alone somewhere it couldn't hear. The helmet mic can pick up conversations in the house from the closet."
"I'm a weird person," he declares. "And yeah, testing my skills at people does sound entertaining."