Brisingr seems to agree - she keeps adding little flourishes to her flight.
Still, even as fast as they are, the sun's setting when Brisingr again turns south, a lingering twilight that has their shadows vanishing as they pass over the Iron Mountains. Brisingr has them loop around fairly far south, as the twilight fades into a starry night, then west and up north, over broad plains, towards a singular mountain. A dark forest forms a looming border to their west, the wind carrying a smell like rot briefly from the southern half.
The human settlement near the Lonely Mountain is barely visible, at the edge of an ashen Desolation. The land fairly reeks of it, even outside of Smaug's territory - something evil sits here, something with a deep hatred for all things green, and a deep lust for whatever riches and power he can unearth. The human town sits in stilts on the water, a single bridge connecting them to farms on the shore.