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Soon enough, there are loud knocks from the door. "It's us."


The door opens a few moments after he finishes knocking, revealing the room's occupant. He looks like a wreck. His eyes are red-rimmed and his hair and clothes are a rumpled mess, and he's shivering in the cold air - though he doesn't seem to notice that. 

He swallows, "Hi," he says, voice tight. He steps back out of the way to let them come in.


Franklyn flies towards James and offers a hug.


Adam and Aaron follow after him.


"Hi... The others are around town giving a preliminary look around."


Very hug. He nods at Aaron's words as he curls into it, burying his face in Franklyn's shoulder, and shivers, finally noticing how cold he is in contrast to the other's warmth. 

"Is there... tracking magic or something?" He asks after a moment.


"There is. And other kinds of sensing magic. We got another sorcerer, a girl that goes by Percy, she can sense emotions, and she is helping as well."


"We will find him." Squeeze. "We did a check and Davin is not associated with magic."


"Oh," he sighs, "I wasn't sure - I pushed him through the wall... and... he probably saw me flying, if he's been watching. I bet he... looked."


"We have been assuming that he knows, but that's very unlikely to have magic himself. And we have people sent to look what resources he might have. Probably won't find anything official."


"But for now, we will focus on finding your brother and keeping both of you safe."


Nodnod. He squeezes Franklyn and then pulls away a bit, turning his focus on Aaron. "What should I do? Can I help with anything?"


"You can help us with the search, if you are up for it. But you may rest first if you'd rather."


He's pretty exhausted, even after that nap, but. "He's got my twin, Aaron." He doesn't say 'what if it was Topher', but he figures he doesn't really have to. "Tell me what to do."


He understands.

"Okay, first, we will regroup. Then you can help with tracking him down."


They regroup on another hotel. Stephen offers James a hug when they get there and ask how he is doing.


The question doesn't get a verbal response, just a brittle smile, but he does accept the hug.

When he pulls away, he has to take a moment to stare at the activity in here, a little overwhelmed by the way they'd just dropped everything to come help.

"...You actually..." He stops, "...Thank you," he tells Stephen. 


"It's what family is for. Anyway, we are looking for your brother, have not caught a solid lead."


He's really not used to people caring about them like this. Honestly, deep down, he'd still been a bit uncertain about considering the Graywards family, but after this...

He nods, rubbing at his eyes. "Is there anything I can do to help? Is there some ritual that could use our blood relation to track him down, or something?"


"Yes, that would help. Alongside any sort of information you can share. Do you still have the note Davin left you?"


"Yeah," he's still holding it, actually, crumpled into a ball in his hand. He smooths it out and then offers it to Stephen. 

It's very detailed - the spider almost looks real from a certain angle. It probably took Davin a while to draw it, even considering how experienced he is at drawing this particular image. 


"Huh, it looks like he spent a lot of time in this thing. Maybe wearing gloves to avoid finger-prints or DNA testing. It won't stop magic." Stephen might sound a tiny bit vindictive.


He can't blame him for that.

"He's probably thought of most of the non-magical ways he could be tracked down, but hopefully he doesn't know much about magic," he agrees quietly. 


"Anyway, let's all touch base with the others."


Pretty much everyone came, except Temple (who is on the way). They haven't made that much progress yet, but they are searching.

(Percy introduces herself as friend of the family.)

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