Humans are real weird but that isn't actually news.
He reads up on Christianity and Islam.
Humans are real weird and apparently also really confused about how morality works if they don't have actual guidance about it. No wonder they're panicking so badly about the idea of gods when their main example of one is evil masquerading as good!
He starts work on a blog post on the topic, but it's a tricky one and he keeps having to rewrite parts. When it becomes obvious that he's not going to get it done tonight, he instead writes about how polytheism works in his world: Lots of people have a favorite god, but no god that he knows of expects exclusive worship, and people will pray to and consult the clerics of whichever god is most relevant to what they're doing at the time. This is true of clerics, too; different gods have slightly different policies for their clerics but none demand exclusivity and most simply assume that their clerics will have the same sort of relationships with other gods that a non-cleric would have. Fharlanghn in particular actively encourages his clerics to explore other religions, just as they're encouraged to explore everything else, and allows his clerics to dual-dedicate to other compatible gods if they feel called to, though a dual calling is quite unusual. It's common for clerics of Fharlanghn to have another god that they look to for moral guidance, though, since Fharlanghn doesn't offer that; the only limitation is that that following can't come above their dedication to Fharlanghn and travel - that's what it means to be a cleric of a god, after all.