Sadde and Bell in Worm
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"It strikes something of a contrast with the Endbringer-killing ambition."


"True, I guess, but it's already a heavy subject, doing it with a desolate wasteland as background would be kinda depressing."


"The Alps are very pretty," says George. "I assume you want people to think you're taking your goal seriously."


"Yeah, fair enough. Alps, no candyland." Pause. "Is the Moon okay?"


"It's better than Candyland."




"Do you want to script and re-edit this one? You could release it as-is, jumps in quality aren't unheard of in web series, but it might be worth the time."


"I'll script and re-edit, there's some more free time now that school's out, and I was planning on doing this weekly or bi-weekly, on Saturdays. What do you think I should use as backdrop?"


"A skyscape, perhaps. But it could be almost anything."


"Alright, sounds good."


"Anything else you wanted to discuss?"


"N—yes, actually, I almost forgot! There's the name of the webseries, and where it'd be hosted. Glam dot com is taken but mxglam dot com isn't. And there's also the matter of the actual look of the site, I was planning on getting Echo to draw me something."


"How is 'M X' pronounced?" wonders George. "Enlisting Echo's a good idea if she's interested in helping. I can do a little web design if she isn't."


"Mix," they provide helpfully, unable to stop themself from imagining how they don't expect Yates would ever ask them that. "I don't know if she can do the actual web design, but she's really really good at drawing and has an artistic eye."


"It wouldn't necessarily be a bad move to go with a minimalist look for faster loading times and to match your costume," adds George.


"Yeah, but there's minimalistic and then there's a video on a featureless white background, and I definitely do not have the skill to turn the latter into the former."


"Well, mention to Echo what you're going for and I'll see if I can't whip something up."


"Okay! And the name? Any suggestions?"


"Mx Glam isn't bad. Hmm... some capes wind up with specialized vocabulary to talk about the details of their powers, do you have anything like that?"


They shrug. "Conjure? That's about it, and I only really use that 'cause Lorica started using it, I used to just say variations of 'make stuff appear.' The only other thing specific to my power I can think of is the... effect when I conjure or dismiss stuff."


"So you could pivot a title from the word 'conjure', if you preferred not to just use your cape name."


"I don't particularly mind using my cape name, if I didn't like it I wouldn't have chosen it." They grin. "I'm just, you know, not in fact in the business of making people look good, so you know better."


"Glam or Mx Glam would be a fine title," George assures them.


"Alright! Then I think that's all! Thank you very much for your help, you're awesome. I'm sorry if I intruded too much or took too much of your time or something."


"This is my job, Glam, don't worry about it," smiles George.

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