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Abadar uses a helm of opposite alignment on Hagan and a bad time is had by all
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He reads this note. He writes one in return. 


Yes, I can bring those - it might take a few hours to get everything written and copied. 

If he addresses me I will raise this for you but I can't say anything to him without being addressed. Please don't worry about me.



Oh, I'll tell him later, then. Don't worry about it. I will absolutely worry about you on the grounds that if you die I don't think there is anyone else in the world who can even come close to competently mediating disputes between us.

It's fine if it takes a few hours. Sorry for the inconvenience. Just - trying everything I can think of.

She hands this note to her husband, too.


He passes it along.


"Thank you, your majesty. With your leave, I think I'll need to prepare more material for you and Korva to review."


"I bet it'll take hours."


"Yes, your majesty. In future I will prepare information that might be useful to Korva to bring with me when I bring things to you."


"Sure. Dismissed."


He leaves. 


Hagan stares at the ceiling.



"You realize it's theoretically possible for someone to mindread me and find out that I'm helping you without this being even slightly Fazil's fault. I hadn't thought of it before you threatened him but it is."


"Sure, but this way aligns the incentives. It's also his job to make sure no one hostile is getting anywhere near you."


"I guess."


Petpet. "I don't want you worrying about people. This is much safer than adventuring, really."


"I will absolutely worry about people. I will worry about myself and I will worry about you and I will worry about Fazil and I will worry about my servants and I will worry about the starving peasants that you don't care about."


"If the servants are your age they signed up for it and have no right to be upset if they don't like it. Fazil's biggest problem is that his mom's not in Heaven and he's not sure how often you get to visit, and the peasants can farm more, probably, I doubt they're farming as hard as they possibly can."


"I have survived this long by worrying about people and I think if I remove the impulse I might implode."


"Huh. Well, I can't stop you." He kisses her forehead. "It's not that I don't care at all about the peasants, it's just that anyone who wants to make me feel sad about them is - being hostile to get something they want."


" peasants not starving?"


"I don't think they even care about that, not really. Everyone who does politics is entirely self-interested and just playing games to get more power."


"Fazil's not."


"Right, and also wasn't remotely considering a political career before this happened, which is not unrelated."



"You realize that I have more than enough self-interested reasons to keep Fazil down on Golarion with us, right?"


"Oh, I don't want to lose him either. The point of making clear threats to competent people is that you don't have to follow through."



"I'm not a very competent person. If we're going to do this it's going to - I can't talk freely to the clerics and I have to be very careful around Verita and my servant. Luckily I only ever talk to five people, I guess. And maybe this is worth it. But - I can't just not be scared about it. It isn't within my power to just stop being scared."


" - apart from Fazil, it will be very bad for Osirion if people are saying that my Chelish wife is running things. Those costs - I regret them, I wish you could talk freely to whoever you wanted, but they're not costs of my policy here, not really, they're costs of it being very very bad if people were to say or think that."


"I know. Just hadn't thought of them.

"The servant said that your brother had his wives look over policies for him, but - I assume there was a lot less question about his ability to run the country himself."


"And they weren't Chelish."

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