Glam isn't allowed to actually patrol the following day (it's a Sunday), so they mostly browse the 'net and read books. Echo's busy with her family (and she is allowed to go out patrolling), and Lorica's... doing something.
They're slightly worried about the fact that Yates hasn't replied to their email, but it's the weekend, so maybe that's why.
Has she replied to the email by Monday?
"I would," Loen says, trying to be appeasing. "The gender thing was there before the power. It was actually how I first noticed the power manifesting."
"Pronouns," says Windflower.
"Isn't it important to you? You said yourself that if someone called you 'she' it'd irritate you, I feel like I have the right to be irritated as well. If it helps, I won't mind if you don't call me 'your majesty.'"
"Well, why not? If you decided to be called anything else because it made you much less uncomfortable or much happier, then I think it'd be pretty okay for me to have the minor inconvenience that is using a different pronoun to ensure your happiness."
"For that matter, I still don't prefer being called he or she most of the time, but that's the compromise I got with Yates."
"Well, everybody won't do my thing, this thing is done by less than 1% of the population. And the rule's pretty easy in my case: the one that looks like a boy is a boy, the one that looks like a girl is a girl." He gestures at himself and Glam as he says this. "And if there's someone you genuinely don't know or remember, using 'they' is actually a pretty good and grammatically-correct catch-all alternative."
"Most people don't really care if you slip up. Just, saying the wrong thing on purpose as opposed to because you forgot is hurtful, again just like calling you 'she' on purpose would be hurtful."
Dauntless +1. A thing Sadde has only thought about Lorica so far is being thought about Dauntless as well.
"No, there's no need, I don't really mind if he calls me queer, even if he is appallingly wrong about anyone wanting protecting."