Glam isn't allowed to actually patrol the following day (it's a Sunday), so they mostly browse the 'net and read books. Echo's busy with her family (and she is allowed to go out patrolling), and Lorica's... doing something.
They're slightly worried about the fact that Yates hasn't replied to their email, but it's the weekend, so maybe that's why.
Has she replied to the email by Monday?
"Or maybe I could be really good at dodging?"
"Another idea for the summoning would be making the animals appear from out of view, round a corner or something."
"Especially with species whose presence in Brockton Bay makes no sense."
"If you're in a crowded situation or there's backup for your opponents watching and you don't already have the creatures that you need made, there's no hiding that the animals come from nowhere, and limiting yourself to local species would leave you mostly with small vermin of limited effectiveness plus cats and dogs. I think you're going to have to conjure them, but going through a noticeable ritual first is better than just spontaneously appearing everything. That, or you could have a single animal capable of shapeshifting?"
"I think yes, but advise you to stick to relatively accessible Gaelic or Welsh - names that have assimilated into Anglophone cultures or a fairly straightforward and pronounceable noun. Possibly change the cape name from Phylum to something which matches. Fawn-colored leather armor, bronze studs, green under it, perhaps a gray wolf or some other animal instead of a coyote."
"And the cape name could be 'druid' or 'animal' in a Celtic language, if that's not taken."
"I'm gonna have to invent strategies for this power, then, it's really different than how I've been using mine."
enjoys this a lot.
Even after Glam reminds him to be serious and all, he's still having fun. "Should Ki appear as well? I can probably make her—okay if it's a her?—appear natural enough for pictures at least, for the moment."
It's not obviously noticeable, but she doesn't behave quite as one would expect an animal—even a domesticated one—to. Nothing you could put your finger on, but it's there, showing Loen's lack of knowledge about animal behavior.
"She's not quite a realistic animal. You're controlling her, so that's not unexpected, but you'd pass casual inspection better if you knew more about how your favorite shapes for her moved," comments Yates. "Can you whistle? It might be good to occasionally whistle at her and pretend to be delivering commands that way."
"I was planning on reading up on and watching videos of a number of animals during the next few weeks."