Glam isn't allowed to actually patrol the following day (it's a Sunday), so they mostly browse the 'net and read books. Echo's busy with her family (and she is allowed to go out patrolling), and Lorica's... doing something.
They're slightly worried about the fact that Yates hasn't replied to their email, but it's the weekend, so maybe that's why.
Has she replied to the email by Monday?
She notes but does not report on the disappearance of the distant rubber duck.
All copies disappear, as well as the buoys. "Yeah. I guess they can be used to extend my attention some, but not completely."
Sigh. "I wanna do one more test. Bot, can you bleep when your sib has a duck? Also when it loses the duck?"
"I'm gonna start playing with buoys again until they start disappearing. My prediction is that the duck won't disappear this time, 'cause the bleep would be distinctive enough that I'd notice it happening. Make sense?"
"Yeah, I got that, I'm wondering why it only sort of makes sense instead of making sense completely."
Buoy buoy buoy buoy buoy buoy buoy buoy buoy buoy...
Buoys start disappearing at the expected rate. Duck does not disappear.
After enough time has passed: "Either my hypothesis is correct or I've managed to convince myself enough of it that it's become correct."
"Or at times inconvenient, convincing myself that I'm right isn't the easiest of tasks, you know. But yeah, overall, don't think I can complain."
"And this is you working alone, it'll presumably improve if you manage your reputation right."
"Yeah! If I could get a reputation of 'they can do literally anything' that will make me happy."
"Yeah. When I come out as being only one person that will probably help with the whole 'they can do anything' thing even if the 'they' part might be a bit more problematic."