Kandrad is confused why Damjen was saddened by him telling him that, but it doesn't seem urgent to address.
Hm. He wonders whether or not the Hearthkeeper would be upset by his flow and smoke empathic powers, given that the eye magic mindreading upset her. She seems to value other people being able to keep 'privacy', the ability to keep secrets. But she was able to detect Damjen doing it and stopped him, whereas he used both of his empathic powers on her, and she did not block it. So he's unsure.
He'll talk about it with Damjen tomorrow. Despite having his sleep interrupted, he feels great. Full of energy. It's probably the fact that this is the only time he's been allowed to hold supernatural levels of spiritual energy in his body without needing to use it or dissolve it. He always hated having to do that.