...well if he's going to just say that, then there's really no point, is there? He takes a deep breath and turns the corner.
Does he try to read her mind? She clearly has some sort of detection power. Is she a flow mage too? The detection didn't rely on line of sight...
He'll refrain for now, choosing to look at her nose or mouth when facing her to avoid mind-reading her. It's typical eye mage etiquette; he's used to it. He'll let the conversation play out, and if it turns sour, he'll try to do mind-reading.
"I apologize for my impoliteness, Hearthkeeper." Is that a title, or a job description, or a name-with-a-meaning?
"I am Pekksjempar Damjen..." right. By breaking Kandrad out, and running away from his betrothed, he functionally separated himself from his clan. He might do away with the matronymic too. But he can't unsay it, and in any case, having been born of his mother is an inalienable state, and it's not like she can take away the eye magic she gave him while he was in her womb. Not while he's here, anyway. "Damjen is my given name."