sequel to maitimor
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"Anyway, it's like, kind of high opportunity cost but still very much doable for us to visit your world or transport people from it, if that would be useful. Are you never in a position to write a letter, because that's the way you can get our attention albeit asynchronously if you want it when we aren't looking."


<On paper?>


"Any physical medium. You can destroy it afterwards, I can copy objects that no longer exist as long as they did for any length of time. I can also do format conversion if typing works for you, even if our computers don't match, but I can't naively decrypt, though that only comes into play if it's never set to recorded form decrypted."


<I do not have access to external computers but I can store text files on my translation chip.>


"That'll do."


"Why don't you have access to external computers?"


<This is a military installation and access to computers is restricted.>


"It looks like a park. Andalite military installations look like parks?"


<When they have affordance to, yes. We do poorly without open spaces.>


"Is there a generally accessible summary of the war and everyone's capabilities, or something?"


<Oh! Sure.> So he can explain how the Andalites encountered the Yeerks and how they became a spacefaring civilization and how they started conquering other peoples and how the war reached Earth and what happened on Earth and what fronts there were in the war last he heard and what sorts of weaponry and starships everyone has.


"So the way to get from here to there is via a spell called Gate, which is about one resurrection's worth of opportunity cost and can't be repeated too many times a day but can be repeated indefinitely given those constraints, goes point to point, can filter for certain magically-simple conditions but I'm not actually confident given the shapeshifting going around that 'is in fact a Yeerk' qualifies as a magically simple condition, we know of a kind of spaceship that goes point to point anywhere no range limit in five days, we're working on getting access to more worlds that are currently not obviously in range of the gate spell and when we've done that Mirelótë brings friendly gods to the table, and there are lots of littler spells and the magic items made therewith to be had but allocating lots of little things is logistically hairy and all of the things I just mentioned come from different places with their own problems and there are even more worlds with even more of their own problems except Mirelótë's world which is perfect."


<Resurrection? You can resurrect people?>


"Some kinds of people."


<Our kind of people?>


"Haven't tried it. Who's dead?"


<Everyone who lived on - a large part of Earth.>


"It doesn't scale that well but it could conceivably get to do that if some especially big nasty problems in this world - well, set of them - were solved, specifically the reason it's limited use is that various gods who suck various amounts are doing a balance of power thing with how much magic they get to give out and it's not obvious what would happen if the ones who suck less stopped having to appease the ones who suck more."


"If you happen to be the right sort of cyborg I have a fix that scales, ish."


<The right sort of cyborg?>


"Mirelótë's species is a kind of cyborg that I can re-embody."


<I would be surprised if either Andalites or humans counted but of course it'd be great if you were to try.>


"What manner of digital mind backup should I be copying?"


<We have interface chips installed. You can use them as supplemental memory. They're not full backups.>


"Then it's not going to work and trying might have bad results."

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