sequel to maitimor
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They can try him again. 


It takes a couple of tries.


But eventually they can get it to work. 



"Hello again, we got a better form of interdimensional communication but it does have a time limit and if we run it out and you want to let us talk to you more you have to allow it to work. We talked to the Imperatrix and she said it was safe to address you like this since we can get replies in telepathic format instead of needing you to sign or write."


<Can you hear this?>


"Yeah, some of you on this end are telepathic and one of those is bouncing what she gets through the spell to the rest of us and vice-versa."


"I'm Mirelóte Ambela, the rest of us who are similar to the Imperatrix are Belmarniss, Cam, Cor, Pelape, Annie, and Rubelite. We're given to understand that you're Matirin and an alt of - respectively by universe of either origin or waypoint - Maitimo, Khemet, also Maitimo, also Maitimo, Aitim, Rirosseth, and Anaander who is also named Maitimo but at least has a different name available."


<I didn't know there were other universes at all. The Imperatrix explained about Yeerks?>


"She mentioned, we expect that's at least some of why she defaults pretty cagey. She didn't give her name but we figure it has 'bel' in it somewhere."






"So, uh, what are... you up to."



<...I am not really busy at the moment. I'm happy to answer your questions.>


"...except for that one?"


"We currently have lots of ways to small-scale break the laws of physics and I can make arbitrary material objects. We don't have all the logistics handling that would let these powers be most efficiently used. Ideas?"


<Could you make bodies for Yeerks? I don't think they'd prefer it but it might be acceptable.>


"Uh, yeah, that sounds doable."


<That'd be helpful. Ships are helpful, obviously. The presence of allies who will get annoyed about chemical and biological warfare is potentially helpful, though you want to be cautious about - incentivizing something better instead of just incentivizing loud condemnation of all the front-line commanders -"


"Is there a lot of that going on, Isabella - she doesn't go by Bella? If I were a girl I'd go by Bella, I think - she just mentioned irradiating the planet."


<We were sent with Earth with instructions to ensure that its populace not fall into Yeerk hands if we couldn't save them, and with the means to effect that in a few different ways. We managed to find one that was relatively safe for the local populace but a lot of backup options weren't. On some other planets commanders have resorted to killing nearly all of the locals once the war looked hopeless.>


"Is that a particularly imminent threat or just one it'd be good to have groundwork for set up in case? Finleran said you were winning."


<Finleran probably has more timely information about the strategic situation than I do. We are winning. Earth was a big deal.>


"It's weird that you can make spaceships," Rubelite tells Cam.


"I mean, I don't make spaceships that are much like you."


"They will be MORE like me when I am a LIGHTLEAPER."

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