sequel to maitimor
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" - not especially." Here's hers. It's got big white circular walls around the whole city, which her Tirion doesn't, and beyond that there are not a lot of  obvious similarities in design besides that they are both Noldorin cities.


"Huh. It didn't even look like that before we had helicopters."


"I don't know about very, but I was expecting reminiscent street layouts or something."


"Maybe the terrain or available materials were importantly different, or the Elves picked up different skills on the journey over from Endorë."


"And there were more of us."


"Oh, yeah, that might change a lot all by itself."


"I think there's an explore/exploit tension here, where you can be focusing energy and investment on your portal to Amenta and trading with them and you can be focusing energy and investment on finding more places but if you try to do both you might wind up being scattered and ineffectual. I guess you could be planning on making the Amentans do all the work, they seem really into the concept."


"I think I am mostly going to focus on making sure the interdimensional transit hub is supplied with local resources and then improving things with the technology. If no else wants to be the driver of the search for more places then I guess it waits."


"I mean, the spellcasting has to be locally sourced for a while even if we can make wizards out of a billion Amentans. There's not exactly a glut of it and not everybody can say 'hey, Abadar, how about extra levels to cope with that'."


"Do you think we should do something more complicated than let people hire it?"


"Not necessarily but perhaps. - you know what finding a ton of worlds is good for? Dangerous tasks for Amentan wizards in their billions. ...Cam, I want my number seventeen blue notebook and Prestidigitation Vivisected for Pelape. And anyone else best served by learning wizardry now."




"We are a gruesome people."


Books appear for Pelape and Annie.


"I can try to learn to be a wizard."


"You're less likely to specifically benefit from my notes but I still recommend the textbook."


"I don't have particularly good notes for you, I didn't specialize there."


"Well, no. But we should know whether my kind of Elf can learn it and if we can we should know whether they fork with the ability and so I ought to give it a try."


"I'm also happy to."


"Sorry, I had you down as 'already has some kind of project' but maybe you stopped having one when I was distracted." Books for chip Elves.


"Same, except the question of interest is whether the ability shares across bodies."


"Do we have consensus on letting Anaander be a million wizards?"


"I have a couple of concerns though honestly a low-level wizard can't do that much more murder than a civilian with a weapon and impunity."


"A high-level wizard, though?"

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