Two wizards and two soldiers appear in the desert, a few feet away from a tired slave caravan.
They nod at each other and disappear again.
"I'm not sure how to refer to it because I don't have a name for it programmed in."
"It's super unfair that if somebody found out enough of the story to write a whole song about it you couldn't even listen," Rabiah tells Annie.
"I could, I'd just have to do it with someone else's ears. Rirosseth wouldn't even have to let go of me because allergy range is human earshot and she hears better than that."
"Is it just the immediate family that's gender-swapped or does it go farther than that, I wonder."
"All male. Insofar as that makes sense with Ainur, but they present themselves that way. Huh, do you have a female Rúmil?"
"We're a different variety of Elf. Everyone from Utumno was rolled back to a pre-capture state. Sometimes someone tries a rescue simulation of themselves to see if the continuities that remember it can be salvaged. They can't. I'm not sure in what respects your version differed."
"We don't have a way to do that. I think Mandos can block the memories, but not the - all the things you learned from them. Couldn't do anything to me, because of the mental opacity. You just have to - keep going."
"She died. I guess if Rirosseth is back she might be back too but she'd be straight now."
"You make it sound awfully sinister if you put it that way! I talked to them."
"Oh, yes, I started when I was a child, I followed Oromë around the entire flight to Valinor."