sequel to maitimor
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"Well, as long as we're all having fun."


Elsewhere, mouth rather occupied with being kissed: How are you alive? What's been going on in Arda since I died? I got all the orcs, it was pretty close but I did it.


Mandos got tired of us. I - gave up - a while after you stopped writing - I don't really remember after that in much detail - it was a very long time - tried not to be at all interesting -


- and eventually she spat us back into the world. Me and my sisters and my mother, they didn't give Istarno a chance to come with, I don't think. And - we nearly starved at first, actually, but some people were faster than me at putting themselves back together. I think it was the same world. I guess I don't know for sure. There were supposed to be Elves who'd stayed but we didn't go talk to them, stayed away from the places we'd been told they were. No Dwarves. No orcs. Just humans. The place we'd landed was called Canada -


I have one of those. I haven't been there. Is it the same - I was reborn in the United States and my birth parents died in a car crash and my foster parents moved us to India and they sucked so me and one of the others ran off and joined the Peace Corps -


That all sounds - possible - what year -


God. We were in the same place. 




I guess it'd have been kind of weird if I found you as a baby anyway. But - I wish I had - 


I didn't remember everything right away.


Did you have - the same parents? Different ones?


I don't know, I didn't get a look at any pictures and it had only been a few days before they died. First names weren't the same but the surname was Svane still.


How were - whoever raised you?


They suck and are now irrelevant as I am legally eighteen.


- not the part about them sucking. 'm very distraught about that.


Yeah, sometimes the people who collect eleven disadvantaged foster kids aren't tons of fun for some reason. I'm okay.


That's good. I'm - 

- I'm so glad I have you.


I'm so glad I found you - or you found me - I'm confused about where you were when I landed, I couldn't find your eyes to borrow right away...


I didn't know you were alive. 

When I arrived here there was a man who was a stone statue because he was an Elf and there's no better way to imprison us. While he was a stone statue he wasn't conscious. 

I told them to turn me back into a person if they ever found you. I wasn't expecting them to.




How long has it been, do you know? Will your family be missing you?


No idea. The people are wearing the same clothes, though.


Oh good. I love you I love you I love you I love you -


Love you. Love you love you love you forever and ever and ever.


What-all's going on with the alternate universe versions thing or were you too a statue to find out?


Mostly too a statue. Sorry. I - I don't like unexpected plotty things.

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