Two wizards and two soldiers appear in the desert, a few feet away from a tired slave caravan.
They nod at each other and disappear again.
Is turning her into stone expensive or anything, seems more humane if even thirty thousand years doesn't fix it. I imagine with magic Elves there's no rollback option."
"It's not exactly cheap but Cam can pay us back. I can't do it here, though, I'll have to go get some people."
"Maitimë, am I correct in thinking you're aware Annie would be disappointed if you went around reading people's minds?"
"Just checking. I think we can take that as adequate for as long as it takes to find some people who know the statue spell."
He glances around a little bit then steps back against a wall and looks down at the ground.
"He swore, my wording. Her us is dead and she went through Utumno or something like it and prefers to be a statue about it, I think she won't do any harm while waiting on that."
He continues to look at the ground and not say anything.
He has someone in to do the statue spell. And then there is a stone Elf woman looking vacantly out at them.
"Cam, could I ask you for a large bag of diamonds? We're running through our treasury, here."
"Varied? Resurrections want whole ones but most other spells want them ground up. Greater Restoration, which makes people stop being statues, requires a lot of diamond dust."
"Dust," says Cam, dropping a bag at his feet, then a second bag; "rocks, miscellaneous nonbort. Enjoy. Who here know things about local orbital mechanics?"
"Orbital mechanics." He goes over to sit by him. "Wanna put some things in space. Also does your tablet know my language and the local one yet?"
"It does! It's a good tablet." He pats it fondly. "Putting things in space is very hard, they have to be moving really fast. I have numbers if you want them."