Two wizards and two soldiers appear in the desert, a few feet away from a tired slave caravan.
They nod at each other and disappear again.
"Annie dropped on me in a magical accident. I died shortly after that. She lived in Valinor and did healing and eventually died, I assume of old age. Mandos eventually decided to bring me back, almost thirty thousand years after I died. I spent a while becoming more functional. Then I got a human job."
"Okay. It's been impressed on us that being a Maitimo isn't a consistent character reference, in this case with respect to worrying about people who don't have months to practice getting mindread, but I think it could be important to figuring out what's happening that everyone be in one place. Do you have any suggestions?"
"Khemet has his own miniature world and brought us there, since I know private thoughts and the other three are fine with the risk."
" - is your world before - god. Don't let him out again. He does it again, when you let him out again."
"We're not going to let him out again. Even if I don't get back to convey extra warning."
"They waited a very long time but he pleaded and promised and he could help with the orcs, nothing else could, and - he was lying. Don't let him out no matter how long it's been or what he says."
Nod. "We fixed the orc situation a different way. They're all fine."
"Tell all the other worlds and people who might show up. It's very important."
"The other two Ardas have finished their second war. Although Cam's Melkor is still alive, he's held back by a thorough oath now."
"So far. We don't have a way to go looking for more, people are just appearing."
"...doesn't make obvious sense to me either. Is there context we should have, Maitimë -?"
"She'd want to be alive. And if she were alive, she'd want me, and I wouldn't mind being alive if you have her. - I love her."