Fairy Revan in the Wormverse
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"Have fun. Mind the Yàngbǎn if you're in that area. Though, if you want the Protectorate to forgive you by joining the Wards, it'll have to be sooner rather than later if at all. You can't plausibly be seventeen forever."

"...hrrm. Maybe I could do that, I guess. My birthday's in November, if I said I'm seventeen that's real soon."


"Hmm. Yeah, that's a decent window to give you some plausibility while still keeping it short. What's our story if you decide to go with that option? You officially died in an Endbringer attack, and don't want people to bring any of it up...?"


"Yeah, I guess that works. I... do have an official record, though. And. A kinda unique name."


"I'll see if you can avoid getting your secret identity revealed, if that'll help? I imagine going by a fake name would get really old, really fast."


"Yes. Quite. And I mean, what happens if they do figure it out, and figure out I escaped probation by lying?"


"I mean, you could always flee the country if they find out, or explain that you didn't know when you were seventeen, but - yes, fair. It's a bit of a risk."


"Mmm. Well, I guess if I'm going to another country afterwards anyway, it doesn't much matter."


"It might make the Protectorate dislike you more, especially if the Wards feel betrayed. Or it could show them why they might like you, and even if you're technically a fugitive, they'd give you more leeway. And they might figure out your weaknesses if you spend a lot of time with them in close quarters, which could make it easier for them to keep you from leaving. It doesn't matter too much, but it does a bit, I think."


"How did you figure it out, anyway?"


"Well there's not many words 'Glam' can stand for, and you were using fairies in your prank. Because of my wings a little girl called me a fairy, and I went and looked up what those are, and read assorted lore surrounding them. Glamours included. Plus with the bizarre focus on attention instead of things that would directly help you - it sort of didn't make sense for you to do those things if getting a good rep wasn't the goal of it, and I had to think of why it would be useful. ... Plus you were really obvious with the 'You probably think you can beat me' and 'I can totally teleport' lines. You think I can't tell when someone's trying to mess with my perceptions?"


"...yeah, using the fairies was probably not a good move. And. The other things."


"I mean, to be fair, no one else has caught you yet, so you're not doing terribly. According to Legend they've gone through a lot of suspicions on how your power works. But - yeah, the fairies was probably not a good move. And neither is being too obvious about messing with people's perceptions."


"I didn't think I was that obvious! ...but yeah, maybe need to work on that."


"I think you might be better off showing, instead of telling. Can you make things disappear when people don't expect them to do so?"


"Yeah, making things disappear is a free action."


"So, make things disappear in an obvious manner, and then remake them where someone wasn't looking, and laugh maniacally and go, 'Behind you.'"


"Ooh, yes, nice!"

Morgan grins.

"Thank you. And then from there it's easier to make them think you can teleport yourself. If you don't mind sticking with a single effect, you could have some characteristic puff of smoke to accompany it or something, but that might get old if people don't think you can teleport without it."

"I haven't been consistently doing anything, other than making stuff appear, although I often do that behind the scenes, too."


She nods. "Fair enough. ... You should do one thing where you're acting like a stereotypical stage magician."


A stereotypical stage magician hat appears on their head, and now their smiley face has a mustache. "Like so?"

"Perfect, I love it."


Their cape turns black and they have a cane. "There should be a giant bunny."


"That starts tiny from when you pull it out of your hat, and grows bigger as time goes on."

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