"I've never heard of this planet."
"Which planets have you heard of?"
" - do you want them biggest to smallest, or nearest to farthest, or alphabetically, or..."
" - why does it matter?"
"Because there's six thousand."
" - and you haven't heard of Golarion."
"Maybe under a different name?"
"I think the magic would have been notable."
"Do you intend any harm to anyone in the palace?"
"I have difficulty predicting the circumstances under which my empire might find itself at war with - Golarion."
" - you gotta give us a yes or a no, to that one."
"Not today."
" - I don't know if that's good enough."
"What will you do if it's not?" she says, amused.
"Not bring you to the pharaoh."
"Does the truth spell apply to you too?"
"Yes. - guess I could be lying about that -"
"You're not, though."
"Could you say 'not this week', at least -"
"Not with this body."
"I don't know if that's good enough, either."
"You could bring me before your pharaoh in chains."
"We don't do that. If you can't be trusted to comport yourself appropriately you can't meet him."
"Seems limiting."
"- yes, it's meant to be."
"For your pharaoh, I mean."
"Can you please say something more specific -"
"I have no grievance with anyone in Golarion. I don't know where Golarion is. I do not know my country to be at war with Golarion. If we were at war with Golarion, I expect I would not personally commit any violence. Until then, I will not harm anyone in Golarion. I also do not presently particularly possess the means to harm anyone in Golarion except maybe very small children."
"The country's called Osirion."
"Well, I'm not going to start a war with the country."