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Terry is drawn into magic marriage politics

"Oh, don't be such a downer, daughter of mine. I assure you they're interesting. Come on! It can be my birthday present. A nice meal with my daughter and grandson where they meet some of my friends. They have connections, you know. It's a rare opportunity."


There was never any doubt that Krisana Caivet would get her way. Two Saturdays after that, just after the graduation ceremony, the whole family is there. Brandon, Claire, and Teddy Anderson. She introduces them to her somewhat strange visitors.

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The three visitors are all male and have some obvious family resemblance. One of them looks just barely old enough to be the other's father.

"Hello, Mrs. Caivet. These are two of my sons, Adam and Topher."


"A pleasure to meet you ma'am." One could argue that he is more a boy than a man, being clearly in high school age.


"Likewise," Says the twenty-something, more formally and sharply dressed than his dad and notably wearing gloves.


"So polite! A pleasure to meet you two as well. Yes, I think you'll have something important to tell us about, hm? But that can wait until the food is out! don't mind me, I'll just go set the table."


"A pleasure to meet you all!" Claire enthuses. "I'm Claire, that's Andrew, and our son Teddy just graduated high school this morning."

She nudges her husband, who was looking at the trio a bit suspiciously, and he also greets them.

"Hello everyone," Teddy says, adjusting his glasses.

"If you're old friends of Mrs. Caivet's it's a little strange we're just meeting you know." His father mentions. "How do you know her?"


"Do you need any help, Mrs. Caivet?"


"Mostly through a similar social circle. She was friend with some of my uncles, I definitely remember seeing her a couple times when I was little. And she kept correspondence at least a few years ago until the last surviving one passed away."


"Come and set the silverware out, please! Such a polite young man."


"I don't think I've met any of Grandma's friends who weren't - er - around her age before. Not that people can't have friends of different ages."


Topher goes to help.


Adam fidgets a bit. Low-key wishing he had also offered to help out and keep himself occupied and away from the awkwardness.


He pats his son's back. "I am assure you that we the fossils appreciate when you kids give us the attention. How much has she told you about us?"


"She says that you have connections and that we won't regret meeting you," he replies dubiously.


"I won't speak of your subjective experience of regret. We definitely have connections."


"If it helps, I am not thrilled with the whole secrecy business." Adam tells Teddy.


His father is frowning heavily. "Krisana... What game are you playing here?"

"Let's stay off that, dear. At least until the end of dinner. We can be polite that long, right?"

"Oh, hmph. Fine. What do you do for work, Stephen? I'm in finance. Or is that part of the secret?"



"Distribution and Shipping. Mainly, my job is to make sure that trucks and their goods reach the right destination instead of falling off the edge of the world or something." he chuckles.


Adam doesn't comment on this.


"That's a solid job," his father nods. "Until computers take over everything at least, but I hope that won't be for another thirty years or so. Twenty if our son has anything to do with it."

"I'm planning on robotics and engineering, not computer science, dad."

"Robots are computers, right?"

"Er... Not really. Robots are machines controlled by computers. Automation like that isn't even as simple as programming, more like... Machine learning? Computer science."


Stephen nods at Teddy's father. "It will happen sooner or later, but I am not particularly worried."


"Oh, I am on my school's robotics team. I am not sure if I want to pursue it as career."


"Ooh, did you guys do the FIRST competition?"


"We did! Got completely trashed, but it was fun."


Teddy and Adam chat about robotics until his grandmother declares dinner to be served.

Dinner is pasta, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and a fairly elaborate salad.

"Have you told them yet, Stephen? Or are you waiting for me to break it for you?"


"I would never steal that moment from you," Stephen says putting his splayed hand on his chest, on a mock display of shock.

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