It's another boring day in Monroe. The Pirates have a day off of work, so they've decided to catch a bus to city center to do a bit of shopping. Sable gets off at the local big-box bookstore and starts looking through the available notebooks, because she wants to start writing down their longer-term plans and goals, especially about their transition once they get out of this miserable excuse for a city.
You're quite excellent at it. ♡
They start working their way down the list.
Quite the destination options.
No fucking chance we're staying put. This world will drive us mad. Already is doing.
Yeah! And I wanna explore! We're definitely not going to be able to think of the best place for us.
Trusting the Spirit to pick where we go is not terribly more of a leap than trusting it to send us where we pick, or to implement the powers we picked.
I hope the commentary doesn't bother you? It sometimes clarifies our internal dialogue to speak aloud or in text, and we figured the option that includes you in the conversation would be best. Do feel free to jump in whenever.
It doesn't bother me at all, quite the opposite! The more I see you discuss your options and how you feel about them, the better I can help you pick the options that are right for you, either by talking you through them or by coming up with custom options that suit you.
Okay! Thank you!
She draws a little star in the margin of the commentary page right next to Isekai Roulette, then continues down.
Oh wow. All these body customization options are delightful.
What do they do about people whose personal ideal changes, though? Sable is very much shapeshifter-brained, and then there's the fact that all of us have different things we wanna look like.
Ideally separate bodies, too, but that's its own separate issue.
The appearance powers keep up with changes to how you want to look - that's what "at all times, you have exactly the right look" means, and even the ones that don't explicitly say that, like A Thousand Ships or Like Roses, still keep up with your desires in the long term—though Like Roses takes longer to adapt and responds less to momentary impulses, because it's meant to be a signature scent that thematically represents you, and it's hard to do that without being stable over time. Emerald Orbs and so on will change instantaneously.
As for separate bodies, I'm thinking about that... there are powers later on that are relevant, but I don't think they're quite right for this situation.
We really appreciate the work you're putting into this.
Hundred Ships, Emerald Orbs, Perfect Hair, Size Difference, Dressing Room, Pocket Dimension, and Personal Hygiene all get starred. Angelic Tones and Like Roses get a plus. Actually...
How much does the rest of the shapeshifting also handle voice incidentally, or is Angelic Tones necessary for any vocal changes?
The more appearance powers you take, the more your appearance in general will tend to conform to your ideal even in areas that aren't covered by any of them explicitly, and to some extent even in areas that are covered by appearance powers you haven't taken. Without Angelic Tones, your voice won't be superhumanly beautiful or perfectly ideal, but with plenty of other appearance powers it should at least be a voice you'll be satisfied with.
Okay, so that's possibly some point savings if we're in a crunch. Thanks.
Down they go.
Hailey gives Just A Little Longer, Immunity System, and Breathe Easy each a plus, then upgrades Immunity System to a star.
Getting sick sucks ass. No thank you.
Warm-Hearted gets a plus.
Well Endowed gets a star, as does Hollow Leg.
Having a perfectly cooperative metabolism is absolutely worthwhile, as is a perfectly cooperative figure. Yes please.
Oh, hey, d'you mind keeping a running total of everything with a star on it? Plusses are the next tier down and we'll add from those if we still have room.
Does that work for you? I thought you might like to have the stars included in the plus total so you know how many points you'd need if you wanted both. You can also add more symbols if you want! I think I've had people use as many as six different tiers before.
That's awesome. And huh, six. That... might actually be really smart? Girls, what do we think about upgrading to more tiers and just rating everything?