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Sparkles' Origin Story
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Blink blink. "Addy?"


"Hey Sadde! How goes?"

Sadde is no longer living in a tiny apartment in London.

He is living in a rather large and well-decorated apartment in London.

"Pretty great! Wow I did not remember you were this pretty. Erm. Wanna come in?"

Sadde, himself, is quite pretty, and of course, that is by design.

"Sure!" In she comes. "If that's going to be awkward, you should know that I'm completely asexual."

He blinks again. "Okay, attempts at flirting will no longer happen."

No, seriously, it is a really large apartment. There's a second story!

"Anyway, how about you, how've you been?"

"I've been doing well! I thought I'd swing by while I was in town. Did your magic turn out to have any hidden depths that you dug up without me or is it as-was?"


"As far as I can tell, no hidden depths, only other creative uses. Same memory slash training slash precision limits, though. I have a few useful shifts pretty much instinctive by now, and I've created some personal vocabulary for the qualia involved that English doesn't have and started keeping a diary with recipes for other stuff."


"Ooh, personal vocabulary!"

"Yes! Wanna see?" He's asking it out of courtesy, he doesn't wait for an answer before going upstairs to grab his notebook because of course she does.'s pure gibberish.

"I'm afraid I don't really have a dictionary," he says apologetically. "If you boop me I could show you what some of these meant but I think it'd take a few years for you to memorise them all."

She boops him. "I'm a quick learner."

So maybe it's time for him to teach her!

The first recipes are mostly basic general stuff, like how to turn some kind of tissue into some other kind, or how to rupture tissue without causing too much damage and pain, mostly the building blocks for more complex stuff.

She is in fact a very quick learner.


He notices this! "Wow okay you gotta teach me your trick, does your magic-copy power make you magic-learn other stuff too?"


"I've always been good at learning things. My personality trait that gave rise to my magic is mimicry, remember?"


"So it's not something teachable? That's disappointing," he sighs.


"That's promising."


"I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you."


"...that is less promising. I like being alive quite a lot."


"Okay, strictly speaking I would not have to kill you. But I would sure have to do something whether you liked it or not."


"Terrifying yet intriguing."


"Lemme know which wins."

" there anything more you can tell me about the non-murderous something before I make this decision?"

He does not seem to totally believe her. He does not seem to totally disbelieve her either.

"I'm walking a fine line as-is."

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