"Well, I can explain them, just, would this be useful or not - on my Earth there aren't mages, there's espers, have been for about sixty years now. One in fifty thousand people, late teens to early twenties, awakens as an esper. Everybody gets an individual power or set of powers and an equally individual backlash that hits them harder the more they use those powers. I am carrying some backlash right now, because I was in a dungeon rescuing people from it. Dungeons are also a thing on my Earth which started happening at the same time but less germane to the present situation. Normally what I would do about this is I would go meet up with my partner June. Her backlash is the opposite of mine and if we hang out near each other, especially touching - for most pairs it's only touching - then our backlashes kind of mutually annihilate each other. This process is called guiding for etymologically disputed reasons. But if I can't make it to, not even just June but to any remotely compatible esper, then instead the backlash I have right now will metabolize from its acute form into a 'chronic' form which will give me chronic pain and organ functioning problems and stuff like that. Which I'm not excited about but honestly it's probably better than never being able to read a book again, I can't concentrate on reading well enough when I'm backlashed. Mine makes me lonely."