"Four main categories. Flaws, little magic, elementalism, and spell magic. Or, actually, explaining the costs. The unit of power - not mana, the power that determines what you can spend mana on - is a certain size, and everything costs it, or gives it to you. You start with thirty units, points, granules, whatever name you like to call them. Gaining more after you awaken takes, for a sorceress, practice, which earns them what's usually called 'might', one a day with an hour of practice or two in four hours, no more than that. Ten might for your first extra granule, twenty might for your second point, thirty for the third unit, et cetera. Academics have the same curve of earning power, only it's four hours of study for one or eight for two. You'll have about... yes, a hundred units/etc. of lifetime magic, absent divine intervention and relics. Flaws typically give you more of the hundred to start out, and can't push you above sixty; past that you can raise the lifetime cap with them instead. And you start with four from how the mortal and magical worlds interact in some way that needs more cosmology and aethernautics than I have to explain."