There is a young man walking all around the imperial palace walls, slowly and looking increasingly surprised by something about it. He's wearing a provincial nobleman's clothing of a rather old-fashioned sort, complete with a sword, and one of the elemental necklaces traditional in some regions, with the stones to symbolize Fire and Land self-dedications.
He isn't trying to hide at all, and isn't doing anything one shouldn't - no climbing trees to look over the top of the outer wall, no stopping to listen for sounds from the inside - but he does look up at the walls and windows where they're visible from the street. (Half the time he ends up stopping to stare for a too-long moment, and needs to snap himself out of it. It's an incredible building, but that's not what he came here for.)
He doesn't seem afraid, or even like he's trying not to be. Just... like he doesn't realize that no sane person in Skygarden would do this.