There's more people than bunks and Aya is new and has no friends here and can't very well fight somebody for theirs so she's on the floor. It's cold and she'd better fall asleep before it gets colder or she'll be shivering all night. At the old lady's the mat she had was deep enough that she could lie on her back without her collar digging into her neck; here no such luck so she's on her side, arm under her head.
"I can pretend the making stuff is teleportation pretty easily, tell people I'm teleporting them the things from somewhere. The healing I maybe just won't mention except where relevant."
"The technology would need a separate explanation. What kind of technology can you make?"
"Then it might make the most sense to just describe it by what it can do - anywhere in the world can talk to anywhere else in the world instantly, you can go visit the stars, which are all suns like yours, and some of them have planets around them and some of those planets have life. You can make copies of books faster than you can blink and fit a whole library onto a little card the size of my fingernail and make live moving pictures of things that are going on and keep those on cards the size of my fingernail too. You can build invisible walls and invisible walls that let some kinds of things through and not others. You can leap dimensions, you can destroy worlds, you can translate any language into any other one -"
"...are there a lot of worlds needing to be destroyed? Is that how you're speaking Esevi?"
"I'm actually speaking Esevi with magic, it's a bit more convenient when you've got both around. There aren't worlds that should be destroyed - not now, anyway, we've got better options - but lots of technology went to weaponry because that's how most species are motivated."
"We shouldn't need to kill anyone to take over the world, if they're really awful I'd rather send them to a different planet and set it up really nice so they can talk with other people but not hurt them."
"It's really nice being so powerful we can just - get exactly what we want. Without any compromising."
"I don't have resurrection right now but we do back home and someday we're going to bring back everybody who ever died."
"Uh. I can't make anything smarter than a snail except there's a kind of person who keeps their brain on a - piece of advanced technology - and I could make that kind of person if we needed it really badly but it's not very ethical so I wouldn't want to do it without a good reason. I can make you a computer with the things I'm allowed to know about the multiverse and you could read it? I don't have access to all the Bell things but I think I am allowed to know most of the important stuff."
"Will you be able to teach me how to use the computer starting from 'what's a computer'?"
"I think so? A computer is the thing that holds whole libraries - here's one -" and he's holding something shiny and a few inches long - "and eventually you might want a chip-locked one but for now the standard kind will do -" and here is a table, and when the computer projects itself a screen it will also project a keyboard and touchpad onto the screen. "Ignore the keys, different alphabet, I'll teach it yours later." And he pulls up the approved-for-Fëanors version of the multiverse summary, and shows her how to scroll.
"Right, sorry. I can run a translation program on it but it'll take a bit -" tap-tap-tap-tap several different screens flicker - "okay. It'll be done in a little."
"I gave it the complete written works of your world and then I manually told it a couple sentences and how they translate and now it's learning how the whole language translates by comparing the words in it to rules about languages, and when it has a pretty good guess it'll tell me and then I can read through it and correct places where it made a statistically justified bad guess and then you can read it."