There's more people than bunks and Aya is new and has no friends here and can't very well fight somebody for theirs so she's on the floor. It's cold and she'd better fall asleep before it gets colder or she'll be shivering all night. At the old lady's the mat she had was deep enough that she could lie on her back without her collar digging into her neck; here no such luck so she's on her side, arm under her head.
"But crystal balls are - limited to neighboring worlds, so you can't just make one of those and tell them where you are?"
"Yep. Pretty much everything's limited to neighboring worlds, luckily except making stuff if you're a real demon, so Cam can tell where I am."
"Probably not infinitely many, but we've never found all a world's neighbors and we know like ninety of Edda's."
" it will take them a long time to find you unless they find some kind of shortcut."
"I checked for mes, there are no mes, there probably aren't any of my family either but I didn't check that yet -" he does - "and then most other interesting people are one-offs - I can check for all the Bell spouses -" he does that, too - "nope. And you don't have a twin? One Bell has a twin."
"Yes, but I'm trying to think of a way to do it that's more efficient than trying to de-ink everyone before the laws are changed on that and less perverse than buying the entire supply and manumitting them."
"Teleport them all to a different planet and make it a really fantastic planet to live on?"
"You would still have to be able to find all of them. Not all of them are going to be in collections like that, some are privately owned."
"I could probably do it by conjuring for those stupid tattoos but it might take a while."
"Oh. Then, yeah. What's wrong with buying them all and then letting them go, is it just that the horrible people would then have a lot of money?"
"They'd have a lot of money and there would also suddenly be a lot of money. I don't think a few thousand seo like what you gave out will hurt anything but buying everyone and then also letting them have something to start out with would add up to a lot."
"Convincing people that the technology is what you say it is and not weird embroidered stuff would make it time-consuming to convince each person. Maybe sell the technology and then buy the slaves - or bribe the nobles - do I need to explain embroidery or does it translate idiom?"
"Magic here comes in the form of a kind of place called, creatively, 'magics'. Things, animals, and people that enter magics have random things happen to them. Someone or something that has been in and out of a magic and changed in a way that is not totally disabling is called 'embroidered'. Someone who is totally disabled - turned into a rock or something - is 'sleeved'. Your wings make you look obviously embroidered, and having more powers makes you look even more luckily embroidered than that, but if you list a bunch of powers that don't seem obviously related and also nothing horrible has happened to you it loses plausibility that you got that way by going in and out of magics recklessly."
"Makes sense. So - wings and a teleport, maybe I just got lucky, but wings and a teleport and making stuff and healing and magic songs, now something's weird?"
"Yeah. If you also pretended to have had negative effects it'd let you stretch it a little, but you're obviously not turned into a rock and most random results are much more like 'turned into a rock'."