There's more people than bunks and Aya is new and has no friends here and can't very well fight somebody for theirs so she's on the floor. It's cold and she'd better fall asleep before it gets colder or she'll be shivering all night. At the old lady's the mat she had was deep enough that she could lie on her back without her collar digging into her neck; here no such luck so she's on her side, arm under her head.
General silence.
The Bell says, "Most of us don't speak any Tsopixi. It would probably be more efficient if you teleported the ink out of our tattoos."
"I can do that too, but I'll need to see them all to be precise enough not to hurt anyone."
It's not magic ink or anything. The Bell scratches her heel.
Now everybody is aiming their marked-up feet in his direction.
Some of them start laughing a little - some of them are crying instead -
Congratulations, magically disappearing tattoos are a slavery-negating thing.
Good. I can just go around and do that for all the slaves but there's probably a more efficient solution? Should we go off somewhere so I can list you everything I can do and then you'll be able to think of applications.
Yeah probably. Also I will think better warmer and better-fed. Let's drop this batch of people off somewhere with some cash and then go someplace else to talk. What do you need to know to go to a place?
Visual image or a distance and direction but I can do what I did for Tsopix and make a model and then use that as my visual image.
He makes some bags of local currency to hand to people.
Four hundred seo per should do without being impossible to carry. Denominated in mostly fifteens and some threes and ones. And teleport them out of their collars. Drop them off - Place. Does this thing do pictures?
Yeah, it does, I got that. The bags will have the right kinds of coins. Everyone's collars will be teleported into the sun. And, pop to that place.
Aya tells them where they are and points out a nearby hostel - "does most of its business during holiday season, should have room if you triple up" - and then sends him a picture of another place.
"Fëanáro. We pick nicknames to distinguish ourselves and mine's Epic. Can I have a hug."
"Not usually, but I was using a magic version and carrying a prototype of a technology version and somehow that - caused an accident. The kind I've been doing here is perfectly safe."