There's more people than bunks and Aya is new and has no friends here and can't very well fight somebody for theirs so she's on the floor. It's cold and she'd better fall asleep before it gets colder or she'll be shivering all night. At the old lady's the mat she had was deep enough that she could lie on her back without her collar digging into her neck; here no such luck so she's on her side, arm under her head.
If you would like to look over my shoulder while I sell mushrooms you can have a camera.
And he teleports into the sky well above, invisible, and puts a tiny camera in an alcove of a roof facing her, and teleports back, and searches for good islands to put people on.
There are some islands. They are various sizes and not all of them are inhabited already, although some of them show signs of being occasional stops for boats.
That wouldn't be a problem, might even help with the population-not-dependent-on-them thing. He wants a big temperate island so he can put Valian plants in, any candidates there?
Well, there's nothing huge, and only very small islands have no plants on them already. One of the volcanic chains with a dock and a suspicious concentration of edible plants and animals is pretty good-sized all put together though, if you don't mind the volcanoes.
He can probably throw a geology modeling program at the age of the volcanoes and likelihood they're still active?
They are... somewhat likely to be active! For one thing there are lava flows over there. They're pretty.
That's super pretty but maybe not good for humans. He should probably find some other island. Maybe he can expand a small one without too much sea level disruption. this one'll be just a little bit bigger, without messing with the sea floor much at all, he's just raising a near-sea-level underwater segment of it to sea level. Cam would know whether this was likely to cause any problems but it doesn't seem very likely to.
Good. He gives the new bit Valian soil and then plants even if the original bit already has plants.
That'll do for now. He goes home to check on Ayabel's mushroom-selling through the feed.
Cool! Shimmery-mushrooms, speckled mushrooms, laquered-looking mushrooms, cloudy mushrooms, coppery mushrooms, enough for now and then he has another try at a program to do it.
Businesses in the square start packing up for the evening. She sells her last four mushrooms as the sun sets and then is one of the last to leave; she finds somewhere unobtrusive to teleport home.
"We have a month's rent for a little shop. People love the designs, I think a quarter of the sales were for knicknack purposes more than practical ones."
"Cool. I'm trying to teach the computer how to do variants that are just as pretty so it can put up tiles of designs and I can batch 'em."