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"No, it's nothing. We were just talking about it."


Hagan looks oddly happy for some reason.



She... still doesn't have any of her own books, and is unclear on whether they are as a group following the whole no worshipping other gods thing, so she'll just..... sit here.


It's like there has been any acknowledgement that their conversation happens and he no longer feels like he has travelled in time to back when it didn't, see.



They seem to be following it, at least in the sense that Fazil does not read but instead polishes his armor. He and Hagan talk in a low murmur. Mahdi reads his spellbook over and over, beaming at it every time.


Aww, that's cute. She has absolutely nothing to do but that's cute.


And soon after that there are enough people out in the streets that they can head out asking after the university.


Oh yeah! The university! It's still around, they can find it if they take this street and then that one and then this one.

It looks like it's in about the same condition as the rest of the town - several of the associated buildings have fallen into disrepair, but there are still some people in robes entering and exiting others. There's a rather nice garden in the center, if you ignore the fountain shaped like a man wearing a mask.


They will head into some of these buildings and ask after some names Fazil has written down, in that case, and after the university library? If it has one?


The names belong to people who haven't been here in years. There is a library, though its books are mostly limited to medicine and horticulture and regional history and the arts and more basic magic. 

"Sorry," the student librarian tells them. "We used to have a more extensive collection, but we don't have as many professors teaching here as we used to."


"Thank you," Fazil says. They can poke around at the medicine and horticulture for a bit, at least.


     "Yeah, don't mention it," says the librarian.


Imrainai pokes at the other books for a bit, and then drifts back over to the counter.

"Do students buy their own books here?"

     "They don't have to. Some of them do. I guess probably people used to do it more."

"Hmm." She pauses. "Is there a used bookstore in town?"

     "Yeah, uh, there's one on Lark Street. I guess you could try there and see if you get lucky?"


She waits for the others to finish poking.


There is nothing here that could conceivably be helpful for their quest.


Then they can go. 

"Used bookstore on Lark Street, apparently."


"Huh. All right, let's check that out."


And so they walk to the bookstore. 

It's an old bookstore. The building is old, the man behind the counter is old, and while the books on display at the front are mostly nice newish and shiny, there are a lot at the back that are half-missing covers or badly stained or look like they've been caught in the rain a couple times. There are books on many different subjects to be found, but not the subject they're looking for.

She pokes around various places and then drifts over to Fazil.

"About how much money do we have for leads?" she asks, quietly, idly examining a random book on one of the shelves.


"Five hundred, but I'd rather not spend it," he says just as quietly.


"Can I have twenty?"


He passes her twenty.


She takes it, and puts it in her pack, and pokes around a little more, and grabs something beat-up and old and related to one of the more esoteric planes in the multiverse, and she takes it to the counter.

She talks to the old man at the counter for a while, talking quietly about the book and the bookstore and the planes. She leaves the counter to poke around again, and comes back with a second book, and this time is invited to look at some extra material he has in the back of the store.

She comes out ten minutes later and waves at Fazil.


He comes over. "- all well?"


"Yep. We can head out now."


Raised eyebrow. "Okay." And he signals everyone and they do that.


"Back to the inn for lunch?"


"Sounds good!"

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