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"Thanks for the offer but I think we'll pass."


"I wanna see more places!"


"Then let's pack up our camp."


She enthusiastically helps with packing up camp.


Enthusiasm seems like a bit much to expect, but she can help pack up, too.


Oh, so she's back to not having any discernible personality. That's too bad. It was kind of neat when she briefly had a personality. It was a pretty good one considering that she's philosophically committed to going to Hell and being tortured into a devil.


They get on the carpet and take off for Razmiran.


She half expects that he didn't get anything out of any of that conversation at all, and was mostly trying to keep her occupied because he felt sorry for her.

It occurs to her that she will probably never get to ask him anything without Fazil and Mahdi there again.

Oh well.

She doesn't say anything while they fly.


She studies her books.


He sits and talks with Fazil and Mahdi. 


It's a day-long carpet ride to Razmiran. They should be approaching the western edge of Lake Encarthan around dawn.


They sleep in shifts. His is in the last stretch of the night, since unlike the casters he doesn't need to wake right at dawn.




She wakes up before dawn. She's been doing this kind of a lot, like she's too excited all the time to sleep for more than six hours.

She looks out at the shore.

"Everybody's worried about this place," she whispers.


"Guy in charge is an asshole - that's true lots of places, really, but he's a crazy asshole and might just decide to murder us for no reason."


"How'd he get to be in charge if he's crazy?"


"How does anyone do it? Magic, and convincing people to kill anyone who complains. - mostly magic, I think, in this case. He claimed to be a god."


"But he isn't?"


"Nope! If Mahdi kept at it for another fifteen years he'd be able to do everything this guy can do."


"Why'd people believe him, then?"


"He went to the capital and demanded fealty. They refused. He lit it on fire and killed everyone in it. 

I don't know if people believed him after that but if not they didn't say so."


"There's also - one of Mahdi's barred schools is enchantment. Mind-control stuff. Lotta that going on, or so I heard years ago, I don't have recent information."



"But if it gets bad we can teleport out now?"


"Hopefully. Stay within grabbing distance, the targeting for Teleport requires us to be holding hands."


Serious nod.

She practices her magic for a little while before dawn. This mostly looks like her softly whispering various words and then frowning and paging through her books when nothing happens.

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