So they get her her unnecessary language spell and then the class can start.
The class is her and some teenagers in identical dress.
The topic today is the nine afterlives. (They seem to thnk there are precisely nine, or at least nine that 99% of people from this plane get sent into). The goddess Pharasma sorts everyone into the appropriate afterlife by alignment when they die.
The chaotic evil afterlife is the Abyss, full of demons which torment you and then eventually consume you, though the details vary by which demon rules whatever realm you find yourself in. There are illustrations and some harrowing tales from resurrected repenting former evildoers. The neutral evil afterlife is called Abaddon, and its monsters called daemons. It's dim and foggy and the daemons eat you. The lawful evil afterlife is Hell, where people are systematically tortured for eternity by devils aiming to destroy their capacity for free will and make devils of them.
The chaotic neutral afterlife is the Maelstrom, which shifts too much to build anything in it but whose souls are incorporeal and can therefore endure it, though eventually having all your experiences be totally unpredictable and unrelated to your actions leads to madness. The true neutral afterlife contains the option to instead grow in character and pick an alignment, or to be a bureaucrat of the afterlife, or to just wander around.
The lawful neutral afterlife is Axis. It's a city, or a million different cities all tucked in neatly around each other and connected by portals that means no two are ever far apart. Each has their own laws, and so each forms its own distinct, safe and peaceful culture. There is no scarcity. Many gods have realms there. Abadar's realm is Aktar, one of the largest districts of Axis, and at its center is the First Vault where he has a copy of everything that anyone has ever made.
People can visit Axis. It's expensive but it's a good idea for many people who struggle with faith and need to see something to be motivated to get there. Abadar makes Aktun so safe that even mortals can travel there, for the cost of a plane shift, and encourages this so they'll take away ideas of architecture and city design in addition to inspiration to be lawful.