Eclipse Bell in Arda
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I don't know, we couldn't talk about it, he was too freaked out...


Okay. Do you know - are both of you married, or was it asymmetrical -


Asymmetrical. He freaked out anyway.


Probably because he did something with you that you wouldn't have wanted. That'd be pretty upsetting, even if being upset isn't the most helpful response. I'm heading over to talk to him right now. 


And she summarizes this for Isabella - "uh, actually, might want psionic help on the conversation with the husband -"


"Sure. You want me present or just on standby to check things?"


"Depends if you also want to consult on - human cultural stuff relevant to being suddenly married -" they hurrry portalward -


"I can consult on that."


"You're welcome. What's the Elf cultural stuff that I might not have noticed here -"


"Usually you're engaged for a Year just to make sure you're really sure, most accidental marriages are of people who at least have known each other a while by human standards, asymmetrical means she has a whole set of senses specifically centered on him and he doesn't, which might be freaking him out in its own right and means people are going to see it as a weirdly deformed and deficient marriage -"


"Senses like -"


"Uh, by Cuivienen 'knowing when the person was in danger' was a common one, people don't get that one so much any more, knowing when they're missing you is still common - it tends to suit itself to the sensibilities of the people involved, if you were an Elf I'd expect your partner not to turn up with any empath ones - my parents can both tell when the other is in the flow of their work and can communicate creative inspirations faster than normal osanwë and with higher fidelity - some are physical, like the ability to feel their hand on your shoulder no matter how far you two are apart -"


"Well, that would be cute if he weren't freaking out. - Anybody mention his role?"


"No, if it affects - how we should react - I can ask her -"


"It'd affect how I'd talk to him and how I'd fill in the blanks of how it may've happened."


Do you know George's human role?


Dom. Unless he's a switch? He might be a switch, I don't know how you tell.


Me neither, actually.  She relays this to Isabella.


"Have her bounce me an image?"


Can you send Isabella an image -


Presently: "Dom, if he switches he's repressed about it, also that's a wedding ring."


"...oh. Great. Well, that's most of an explanation for why he was freaked out -"


"Frankly I'd expect freakouts regardless but yes."


Portal! Through the portal they go, though she stops to ask the person who contacted her initially whether George took them up on the offer of a hotel and where he can be found.


George accepted a taxi to Tampa, where he already had a hotel room.

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