Eclipse Bell in Arda
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It's going to be dark forever - or until I get these finished, if I got far enough before being disrupted, I'm not sure yet if I can salvage it -


It's going to be dark but maybe not eternally unlight, I can find my way around with my phone flashlight if the unlight goes away.


The unlight fades. You can see the stars. People are crying.


Not unreasonable. Isabella goes looking for a food cart to raid.


There's no shortage, yet.


And periodic lookaheads -

And she can try Rúmil.





[Hi. I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking till you were already gone - what can you tell me about what happened -]


[Enemy got tired of this particular 'you escaped' illusion and decided to end it?]




[...fuck. I'm sorry.

Okay but presumably she already knows what she had you hallucinate when it ended and it will be harmless to tell me?]


[I was in the palace, I woke up back here.]



I'll try to leave this channel open for you if you ever want it.]


[Entertaining the premise that any of this were real, that's a bad idea. You do not want to give Melkor a reason to think you have access to information about how anyone is doing, she'll hurt us more if she thinks she can actually leverage it -]


[- I can't cease to have the option to talk to you but, okay, I don't have to let you start conversations.]


[You should just - not check. It'll be better. Really.]


[...okay.] far as Rúmil's concerned. She doesn't know if she can just - ignore Maitimë.


The Elves are singing.


Of course they are.

Isabella sweeps the future for anything she needs to know, munches food.


In about half an hour someone's going to want to know how long the eclipsed need to not-metabolize, apparently it's hard and horribly uncomfortable to maintain.


They can metabolize a little if they go out away from everyone, that's the old standard is going out in the wilderness and eating but not very much. They'll have it easy with all the plants being edible, by comparison. She'll keep an eye on a test batch to get an idea of how much is too much for Elves. Are the Valar going to reopen the portal at some point or does Isabella have to learn to do lockdowns -?


The Valar aren't able to consider it at the moment because they are sad and singing.


...she'll start meditating on lockdown. She's more likely to need that than greater parallel attentional capacity and she can drop it if the portal opens and they can get a real lockdown psion. In the meantime, low calorie wilderness survival mode for eclipsed, sorry.


For how long?

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