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Midnight would like it known that he totally wouldn't have done this but he could've if he wanted to
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(Both Taliars are a little unnerved by the immobilization power, but now isn't the time to get distracted by that kind of coincidental resemblance.)


And what's it thinking about?


Blind panic and a deep fundamental sense of being surrounded by terrifying evil and wrongness!


He bounces this to everyone else - "going to check if songs help -" 



Panic! Terror! Wrongness! Panic! Terror! Wrongness!


...not panic?


They're surrounded by wrong things but they're not afraid, the wrong things are trustworthy, they're safe - no! This is clearly a trick! The wrong things have mind control! But... but...


The wrong things definitely fucking have mind control. 

To Elaneth-imire: can you make a recording so I can talk to him while it's playing?



He conjures a recording device and records the song and plays it. This is a sufficiently strategically necessary use of mind control that it won't debase his soul, although he still doesn't feel great about it.


"Hello," he says to the alien. "What's your name?"


The wrong thing can talk?! Speak in ordinary understandable language? Even if this one is somehow okay - no it's not it's using mind control - that's terrifying, that means there are wrong things out there that could spy on people and understand their conversations, maybe even attack their planets. The wrong things of this new planet have already demonstrated several terrifying powers. The fleet won't be able to calculate a light-jump from their current position for several hours at least, and by the same token they're cut off from communicating with the rest of the galaxy, they won't be able to call for reinforcements. No one is going to come rescue this one from the perfectly trustworthy terrifying teleporting wrong things with terrifying mind control and terrifying immobilization powers.

...the alien is too busy being confused and thinking through the implications of the situation to actually answer his question or even think their own name.


He bounces this to everyone present.

To Raika-seren: go move their fleet over a dimension, buy us some time, then notify Esarkan.

And aloud, "we're not going to hurt you. Can you explain why your people attacked us?"


He pops to the fleet, hops them into the next dimension over and drops them deep in intergalactic space, bounces to Nuime and drops a summary on Esarkan, then comes back.


"'re filth creatures," says the bewildered alien. They genuinely can't conceive of why anyone would ask that question; it makes no sense.


" weren't aware we were people, or you find us an objectionable kind of people - did any filth creatures attack you at some point?"



Filth creatures aren't properly people, but they do think, that's what makes them an abomination. Things that can think but aren't people (meaning: members of this alien's own species) are wrong and need to be destroyed. Surely even a filth creature would know that - don't they see people the same way? How can any thinking creature not react this way to alien beings? This is so confusing.


Bounce - "no, actually, most species get along fine with other species. You guys are probably capable of it too, though I'm curious if the disgust-reaction thing is responsive to magic, that'd definitely make it a lot easier - anyway, you made a mistake. Things that can think but aren't your species are perfectly fine and if you dislike interacting with any of them we could find you an empty dimension."


These filth creatures can read minds, not just control them. This is even worse than the filth contagion of Tseiza-3. It is the end of the world and nothing will ever be okay again.


"Elaneth-imire, can you go get Macalaurë?"


Where's this world's Macalaurë - over there, dead - here's a resurrection path.


"Aliens who apparently find the existence of other species deeply inherently objectionable and so kill them every chance they get - do you have anything stronger for it -"


"Sure." He turns off the recording. He sings. They are this alien's best friends, it cares about them deeply -


But these are filth - they're having intense feelings of friendship and caring toward filth - they are obviously irredeemably corrupted, no better than filth themselves - they are overcome by despair and want only to die.


He can fix that too.


Now the alien is happily determined to kill themselves the first chance they get!


"Huh. I'm awfully tempted to say 'kill them all, it'd be a favor, resurrect whoever else they've murdered in the course of this bizarre crusade -'"

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