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Midnight would like it known that he totally wouldn't have done this but he could've if he wanted to
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Maybe once my kingdom's safe.


And he leaves him to the necklaces.


He makes necklaces. So many necklaces. It's a good thing his soul is the kind that doesn't need to be in his hand to use its active powers.


He takes two more of them to Esarkan once he has them. 


"Thank you," says Esarkan. "Those will be useful to have around. Does your alt get one too?"


"I'd certainly like him to but if you're giving Elaneth-imire one I take it that'll have nearly the same effects. You need either me or him - or, I suppose, again his husband - to transmit the contents of the actual teleport - should I stay around for that, or will you ask them?"


"Having Dawn-shining Taliar extract the teleport from Shadow-cloaked Nezhefena and then pass it on seems more efficient than asking it of you," says Esarkan. "You have more demands on your time."


"Oh, he struck me as quite busy." Half a smile. 


"More productive demands on your time, then," he says, with a faint smile of his own. "Anything else to discuss today?"


"It was also recommended I pass on to Taliar that I would be tremendously aided by a power of being not magically traceable."


"I'll mention it. And if he doesn't come up with anything, someone else might."


"Thank you. Take care." Pop.


Dawn-shining Taliar puts on an eidetic memory necklace, immediately branches a soul power for eidetic memory from his relevant marital sense, takes off the eidetic memory necklace, and passes it along to his father, who was next on the list to get the teleport. He gets the teleport from Nezhefena and distributes it to Esarkan and Corino. He asks his soul for a power to render the other Maitimo and his planet and his people and so forth all magically untraceable. It isn't immediately obvious whether he's going to get one; he'll just have to wait three days and see.


Sun-dark Taliar contentedly produces large numbers of magical artifacts very quickly. He passes along some of the minor theoretical advances that his alt happened to mention to him while he was catching up on what he missed.


Good. He listens to his thoughts all the time but does not acknowledge him otherwise.


He's in love with Maitimo. Being ignored is kind of hard on him but he has useful important work to do so he's handling it fine; he's just sort of aware in the back of his mind that if he gets less busy he's going to start having emotional problems. He thinks about magical engineering a lot. He's really, really in love with Maitimo. He can see the shape of Maitimo's influence on everything in the kingdom - the architecture, the people, the city planning, the way things are organized - and it feels comfortingly familiar and sort of bittersweet. This state of being is not indefinitely sustainable, but right now he's fine to keep making necklaces and not doing much else, and he is serenely confident that when he starts having trouble he'll figure out how to deal.




Here is a person who, while not apparently a soulbearer, advertises herself almost in the way of one, who would like to speak to Emperor Esarkan.


Well. Here is a representative.

"Hello," she says. "I am Shadow-cloaked Nezhefena. The Emperor is moderately wary of unexpected visitors given recent events."


"That's reasonable," says Elspeth, "especially if by recent events you mean Yeerks. My name is Elspeth and I am not nor do I contain a Yeerk."


"Interesting magic you have there," she says. "Is Yeerk the proper name of the brain slugs? They made a short-lived but very inconvenient attempt to conquer the planet. They weren't especially talkative about it and Dawn-shining Taliar didn't stop to chat before he killed them all."


"Yes, the Yeerks are the brain slugs. The interdimensional alliance I belong to recently conquered their empire and remanded the population to the custody of a friendly anti-slavery faction of Yeerks. The ones who came through here were the only escapees and we've been trying to find them; they can be very dangerous to unprepared worlds."


"We managed. The Emperor has been considering sending me to track them to their source, but hasn't done it yet. By what means did you find them?"


"One of the magic rocks finally turned up with a better teleport-tracking power and finessed the maze they left on their way out." Magic rocks, it magically transpires, are a class of people with powers that are wished into place according to a certain magic system.


"...I see," she says. "Would you like to declare a lack of intent to conquer Nuime? And then would you like to declare to a lie-detecting soulbearer that your power is as charmingly friendly as it wants me to think?"

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