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Midnight would like it known that he totally wouldn't have done this but he could've if he wanted to
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Huh, that's right, Shadow-cloaked Nezhefena was wearing an obviously-Elven necklace and the way she brought them here was... not very soul-flavoured. "Useful," he says. "I bet Esarkan will appreciate it."

He also bets Esarkan likes the Maitimos a lot. Although depending on exactly how much he likes them, that may be difficult to pick up on without assistance from someone who knows Esarkan really well.


He's been very easy to work with but he has lots of incentive, there.


Most emperors could manage civility towards someone who shows up to say 'we were halfway through learning how to make computers and can guide you to a multiverse civilization and give you magic teleports'.


Well, yes. Although I'm sure he could find the multiverse civilization without your help if he felt like it. Which flavour of easy to work with was he? If he starts every conversation from the perspective that you both want to help each other and should figure out the most efficient and mutually beneficial way to do that, he respects you. If he also makes a lot of sarcastic comments, he likes you and wants to be your friend.


I don't recall sarcastic comments. And what he wanted was advice on whether to try, actually.


What'd you advise him?


I said to go ahead. They'll - they may not do anything for him but they might and they won't take things - they kidnapped my Findekáno but your emperor doesn't have anything similar -

Permalink kidnapped is kidnapped? Does he need rescuing?


He didn't consent to being taken in the first place but I was told he has a teleport by now and I have no reason to think they lied about that.


Okay. ...Are they going to try to kidnap Elaneth-imire, I'm sure it won't work in the long run but he'd find it really frustrating...


I don't know - it won't necessarily matter that he's consenting, I'd sworn by then never to touch Findekáno without his consent and that didn't help, but if he's insistent enough about wanting to stay - Findekáno was terrified by there suddenly being a dozen more of me around and he wasn't about to start expressing preferences about how they treated him -


What a mess. Yeah, Elaneth-imire will insist. We Taliars can get very insistent. If there were a dozen more of you why did they kidnap your Findekáno - I'd think alts would tend to cooperate well - actually if there were a dozen more of you why are the interdimensional meddlers like that at all...


They're not like me. In their Ardas Elves are naturally - exactly how the Valar want them, really really peaceable and virtuous - so the Valar don't even bother meddling - and my alts didn't have to deal with a civil war and they're mostly happily married to their Findekános and they all consider me an embarrassment and want to execute me so they can - avoid reminders - that they turn out like me under less idyllic circumstances.



That's fucked up, he says. Maybe Elaneth-imire will talk some sense into them while he's arguing his way out of being kidnapped.


Doubt it. They are talkable into not killing me because they don't have anyone better to run the country - though now that I tried to leave their jurisdiction I don't know if they could be talked down again - but they're never going to get to 'the way I am is, once it's not hurting anyone, an okay way to react to the world I came from'.


Well. Elaneth-imire will try.

And accomplishing the impossible is sort of what Taliars are for. Accomplishing the impossible, solving problems, fostering safety and health and happiness and cooperation and exaltation.


It's very annoying, really. I don't know why my alt likes it.


...what's annoying, exactly?


The just constantly loudly being what they think everyone should be -



"I am constantly loudly being what I think I should be," he says. His hand goes to his chest but of course his soul is in Maitimo's pocket. "If 'they' is the Valar, I don't exactly conform flawlessly to their standards and I am glad not to because their standards are insane and their enforcement is unconscionable."


Oh, did I hurt your feelings?


I find you annoying and I hope my alt's not just sappy over the first person to throw himself at his feet.


He can't help himself; he starts laughing. He's not even sure what's funny. It's just - he loves Maitimo, and Maitimo thinks he's a pest but will be useful for making eidetic memory necklaces and consulting on tactical problems, and maybe this is going to be it forever and honestly it's not nearly as bad as he would've expected, and - it's so bizarre how this Maitimo doesn't know him...

If you want to know what your alt sees in his husband you'll have to ask him.

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