"I think Karen's good for Cecelia and she'll be there. I think her kids might be good for Cecelia's kids, and they know about magic so they won't need to be completely in the dark. I think going to school will probably be good for them, even though schools suck, because there'll be - models of how one is cool and interesting and regarded well by their peers in this world, and it's not with threats of execution except in video games. I think video games probably beat being royalty, for most kids. I think all of you people have really concerning gender opinions and should be somewhere that has a little less of that, maybe, but probably California would be pushing my luck. I think Cecelia should go to church. I think if she tells the people at church that her husband decides everything there's half a chance they'll say something useful, though if I knew what I'd say it myself.
Slavery is illegal in Kansas.
I really do think you'll like the horses."