catherine goes from fairyland to milliways and everybody is very concerned at her
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"...what're they having you pay?"


"It's really not a big deal. I dislike being stuck at court more than any particular thing about paying our keep while we're here. And you're paying some of it, with the stories and with teaching my father."


Nodnodnod. "Okay. ...thank you."



"I thought about - when you wanted to stay - saying we could only stay if you paid for it. But I didn't - actually want that. At all."



"Thank you."





Are there, like, things I should be picking up that I might not be.


Probably! I don't think I caught all of it either. Uh, the other one is the same sort of person as my brother, in I guess the same way as you have a lot in common with the other Karen? He noticed right away that - uh, that something happened a long time ago to my brother - and most people can't notice that. Then my brother asserts that the things he said about slavery were actually a claim that his brother loves the woman. I don't know how he got that, I didn't. 


I.... assume that was in the part about him paying for things so she'll like him. I'm not sure that qualifies as love, quite, but - I guess I see some of where she's coming from now.


I think also the part about - that the first thing he said about us was that we might be able to make her immortal. 



Yeah. That makes sense.

So I guess they're.... not on the same page about that, then. Or - somebody's not on the same page as somebody else.


It seems possible that he cares about her more than he realizes, that he knows he cares about her a lot but hasn't told her for some reason, or that his brother's very carefully selected information to share to wrongly give my brother the impression that he's trying to subtly say that his brother loves her when he's actually just being subtle to cover for the fact he can't outright lie. 

-- aaargh. I hate people stuff.


I don't think I mind people, but I kind of mind dealing with arcane systems designed to trap unsuspecting outsiders into a lifetime of magically enforced service.

Seems at least a little more ambiguous than my situation, though. I guess. Arguably.


Less - institutional, more personal. I don't know that that makes it any better but it definitely makes it more complicated. At least there wasn't anyone at Wolfram and Hart who kept telling you they'd protected you from something terrible and all they wanted in return was you to like them.


Yeah. That does seem like it'd mess with stuff.



I think I can also maybe see now how he'd be me but I don't know what that gets us.





Faith does not have anybody to have whispered or silent conversations with.

"So. Were we gonna talk saving Cecelia's kids, or what."


"Right! We were."


"They think they can help. I didn't want to talk about it until you came back."


He was already hugging her but he moves his arm to be kind of distinctly possessive. "Can they? They should tell us about it."


"...something in the teleportation department, I'm not really up on everything your family's doing - "


"- is there additional harm from using her name when you already know it, I'm getting kind of sick of pointing and going 'this person here' -"


"Technically no but just come up with a nickname, it's a better habit."


"This person here, who I'm going to call...Cassie, has some kids who are in her world. We're going to pull them out of her world and send them with her to another one that's a little safer. We can do this by teleporting to their location, with some targeting information, which includes some material from the universe they started in."

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