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fate meets ellie
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"Traveling to town should be relatively unexciting."



And packing up to do that, then?


Yes. Portable holes are, conveniently, portable.



How are they getting to a city or town?


Unless they feel like a several week trip by foot, Elatra can prepare a teleport spell overnight.


Yeah, that seems best.

(Mora is kind of very intensely curious about this magic system! It seems maybe both somewhat like her magic system and a hell of a lot more friendly towards being used in the middle of actual combat.)


Eliana would like to know more as well.


Elatra is happy to explain while she's preparing!


Oh, good.

Mora seems a pretty good student for this, though she's not going to get to even first level spells off a one-day montage.


Very nice. She sees why the Keres likes Hisame.

And first thing the next morning, she teleports the group to a city.


Cities here: are usually pretty obviously magical!

Mora's delighted as they step out of the area cleared for teleports in, spinning around to look at the colorful port city.

"So, where to now?"


"The merchants, first. To see if I can find a scroll before asking others for help. And some of this is entirely useless to us."


"Alright. What do you need a scroll of?"


"The spell is called Identify, succinctly enough. Though I will need something a little more... sophisticated for the dagger."


"Sounds it." She hums, still looking around.

Soon enough, they arrive at a larger shop, where Elatra will be able to find a retired adventurer who squints at her, but has a few scrolls of Identify already prepared, that being a low level spell and common enough for adventurers after a haul.


She may be a tiefling, but her coin spends as well as anyone else's, thank you very much. They wouldn't happen to know where she can find a scroll of Legend Lore or someone to cast it, would they?


He can cast it, sure thing. (They wouldn't happen to know anything about all the high level adventurers who've been teleporting through lately, would they, he asks conversationally.)

(He's actually squinting at the necromancy aura and also what someone that powerful's doing in his shop. Usually he sees idiot lower level people coming through.)


Probably the ones freed when they defeated Acererak.


He blinks, owlishly, opening and closing his mouth.

"Do you want a discount?" he asks after a long moment.


"That seems fair."


Then she can get a pretty significant discount on both the scroll and the spell! Legend Lore he has to cast on himself, but he dutifully relays all he can figure out about her dagger. Definitely an artifact, that. He can't get how to destroy it, not with this casting, but he figures she's unlikely to be interested in that. It requires its wielder to attune to it and is probably not itself intelligent. Its wielders are said to be immune to a massive array of conditions, to have undead refuse to attack them, and to be able to lay curses on their opponents. The dagger rots of the flesh of those it touches.


How does one attune to the dagger?


He describes this! It mostly looks like meditating with the dagger for some number of hours, likely variable with how closely aligned someone already is to the artifact.


She thanks him for his assistance.


She's welcome. Pleasure doing business with her and all.

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