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fate meets ellie
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Hisame frowns. "Annoying. It seems our main options are going through one of the walls, or trying the door."


"Taking out a wall would avoid the trap on the door, and might gain surprise against whatever waits beyond."


She nods. "The rightward wall had fewer dangers, correct? And that passage off this cog does seem to go into it."


"Let's make a new door, then."


She jumps over to stand on top of the passage to the right, forming a hand sign and then touching the wall.

...Which does nothing.

Hisame frowns.

"That should've molded the stone."


"More wards, maybe." She directs one of her ghosts to cut through the wall.


This is really slow going. The wall is also possibly regenerating.

Still, she's making progress, albeit at a snail's pace. It might be faster to go down, though, into the passageway under them.


Can she divine more specific information about the danger attached to the door?


She combines a ghost who can cut through anything with one that extrudes metal and one that shapes metal. She makes a door-sized punch, and rams it through the wall, then hollows it out to allow them to walk through.


This works.

The wall appears to be quickly repairing itself. It'll be fully restored within about six seconds. Still, especially with Hisame, they should be able to all cross into the tunnel within that time frame.


...That's disturbing.


And what awaits them now?


Graven images of rotting corpses decorate this hall, and the floor is littered with tarnished coins, pieces of armor, broken shields, axe heads, and other bits of scrap metal. There's an archway on the end far from them, with a keystone adorned with an iron bull’s skull, which bites down on an ivory ring. To Elatra, the ring has a strong aura of necromancy. Through the archway is a shaft, with swirling winds lit with purple lightning. Barely visible, to the left near the archway, is a side passage.

Also, the first person who enters the hall has any non-magical items they're wearing corrode to uselessness.

Fortunately, that first person is Hisame, who quickly notices the edges of her shoe fraying and jumps back out.


"Some sort of disintergration aura, I would say. That ivory ring might be the focal point, it fairly reeks of necromancy."


She frowns, focuses, and the ivory ring gets consumed in a flash of black flame.

Further testing reveals her clothes are no longer disintegrating.

"Seems safe now."

She walks the length, peering down the side corridor - "Staircase down" - and through the archway - "Large moving chain, purple whirlwind at the top and bottom, freaky lightning effects, door on the opposite side of the shaft."

It's hard to identify what that means arcana wise from a description, but whatever's through the archway is probably at least moderately insanely dangerous.


"Stay away from the archway for now. Is there anything down the stairs?" She moves to up to a closer vantage on the room beyond the arch.


"Magical darkness, but I can see some small souls in the room at the bottom - I think children, though there's something odd about them - but my line of sight's cut off otherwise."

For Elatra:

Hot wind tinged with the smell of burning oil blows down a forty-foot-diameter vertical shaft. Stone balconies protrude from the walls on opposite sides of this expanse, with the west balcony fifteen feet higher than the east one. Two thick chains rattle in the gulf between the balconies — one ascending two hundred feet before disappearing into a cloudy vortex lit by arcs of purple lightning; the other wrapping around an enormous metal gear floating one hundred feet below. Another hundred feet below the gear, a second vortex rages.

She'll be able to easily identify the vortexes as planar - incredibly destructive and nearly impossible to survive if you were stupid enough to enter one. The chain's a Mechanus chain - usually found on the clockwork plane of Mechanus, used by the modrons there to keep their vast machinery moving. It seems corrupted, somehow, likely repurposed for the tomb. It can't be destroyed without multiple castings of the wish spell or divine intervention.


"We'll not be going this way, I think." She moves back to take a look down the stairs.


Magical darkness at the base.


Can she dispel it?


Not easily, but it's possible with a bit of effort.

The hallway clears, though due to the bend at the bottom of the staircase they can't see what's below very well.


"Care to lead us down?" she says to Hisame. "You have the best reflexes here, I think."



The staircase descends quite a distance into the earth, then opens into a hall, with twenty foot high vaulted ceilings.. Green smoke billows out from a bronze cauldron in the middle of it. Barely visible through the haze are three rocking chairs, several work benches heaped with haberdashery, a spinning wheel, and rusty iron cages containing prisoners. Galleries stand ten feet above the floor to either side of the room.

Three small figures are moving about in the smoke - and start scurrying towards the group. A straw doll with rusty pins in its face, a clay child with a blank face, and a stuffed monkey with its lower half replaced with a unicycle.

The figures stop a distance from the group, and the straw doll calls out, voice high and young: "You need to run away! The Sewn Sisters are going to be back any moment now!"


Eliana flicks her gaze between the caged prisoners and the dolls. "Did they sew you into the doll?"

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