shoggoth Kushina and smol Naruto in Amenta
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Doesn't seem to have hit the news yet. She gets results, but they're not what she's looking for - red food dye in Voan cake decoration, an FAQ from a Voan food charity that acknowledges they give excess to reds but only when it's approaching expiry ("they'd get it anyway if we discarded it"), a fruit sculpture that looks like a red bird.


Then how did the greens know about it?

Search for 'hiding information'? (Bright will probably know the actual term for when a government does that, but.)

In computer science, information hiding is the principle of segregation of the design decisions in a computer program that are most likely to change, thus protecting other parts of the program from extensive modification if the design decision is changed. [...]

Not what she wanted.

She does a series of other tests - information on castes, laws, unrest, looking more for what's missing than what's there (no one she knows likes their government, after all, and if they do they're probably an asshole themselves). 


The Summary Bank articles on the castes are very long. Each has several names, only one of which is the prevailing hair color, and an extensive list of occupations that they perform everywhere and others that they perform only in some cultures, and perfunctory summaries of their cultural habits and socioeconomic character and historical ideological trends and dialect differences and school curricula.

There are a lot of laws; every country has at least some capital crimes, though Voa's list of those is shorter. They haven't invented adversarial justice. People complain about delays of a couple of days in interviewing arrestees. The speed limit for cars and trucks outside of dedicated fenced cargo highways is very low. There are serious fines (and people get fired) for failing to quarantine even minor illnesses according to some pretty stringent guidelines.

Voa has recently experienced protests over cuts to science funding, a mishandled earthquake response, a callous remark a property blue made about greys being stupid, the relatively lenient sentence an orange convicted of child abuse is receiving, a third child awarded to a controversial figure in software who may have sexually harassed junior programmers, and pulling out of a negotiation process to cut two smaller countries in on their moon colony.


Anything mentioned particularly about how the protests were handled?


Protests are allowed as long as nobody involved in them is armed and they clear off private property whose owners haven't invited them on demand. The protestors in these cases mostly obeyed these rules; some people went into the judge's garden about the orange abuser case and were apprehended by his personal security and whisked off by the cops. The earthquake response got an apology, though it is widely considered unsatisfying. The property blue who made the remark about greys doubled down, a couple entities divested from them.


So Voa isn't a paragon of virtue and democracy - which does mean they're not trying to pretend they are too hard, she'd have been more suspicious of 'nothing is wrong ever' - but not openly oppressive so far.

She spends the rest of her waking period trying to acquire more specialized vocabulary around government, trade, and negotiations, then curls around Bright to sleep for a few hours.


In the morning there's a knock at the front door.


Combing goes to open the door, Bright playing some esoteric game with jumping between pieces of furniture behind her.


It's Ude, one of the blues. "Good morning! There's nothing urgent going on right now - though as soon as Bright's ready to record more videos I think the greens will be delighted - but I thought it might be a good idea to check in. Have you been comfortable?"


She steps to the side.

"Come in! The house is nice, but Bright is used to decorating her own space, I think."


"If it turns out you're going to be in this house medium-term we can certainly give her a decorating budget," Ude assures her.


"That would be nice, yes."


"The fellow who started that unpleasantness has asked to meet you. He's not outright making it a condition of cooperating with arranging a recall, but if it wouldn't bother you to meet him and maybe demonstrate the tentacles aren't special effects, we'd really appreciate that."


"I'm willing to meet him, yes. Would he come here?"


"Yes, that was the idea."


"Simple, at least. I am free today, though."


"I'll let him know. He shouldn't take more than half an hour to arrive. Do you need anything here? People are fretting about not feeding you enough even though it'd really be surprising if you needed Amentan amounts of food and you've said as much yourselves."


"We're fine on food. Bright could use toys, or supplies for games I suppose, or even just children's books for me to read to her."


"I'll put in a request for those! Any particular kinds?"


"Bright likes social games - dolls, that sort of thing - and games that involve exercise. For books, she usually likes ones about strange places and odd people."


"Okay! We'll see what we can turn up and have that here soon."


"Thank you."


"You're welcome! Anything else I can do for you?"

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