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A Serg makes an ill-advised deal for power
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On the way, Karen tries to describe some algebra things -- but it's rather hard without something to write on. She ends up grabbing a turkey sandwich, some chips, and an apple from the racks on the side, so as not to interrupt his lesson too much from standing in line, and then finds them a table to sit down and talk about algebra at, drawing and writing on pieces of notebook paper torn from her notebook. 


He sits with her and listens and watches her write and asks questions when he doesn't understand something and, wow, he really wants to own her. He really, really wants that. He wants to be having this conversation on a comfortable couch with Karen snuggled up next to him or sitting in his lap.


Karen, who is very very happily talking about math, does not actually realize any of this. She figures whatever bits of him being enamored with her at the moment that might be leaking out of his expression are him being happy to have someone who actually understands him teach him about math. He still has only really ever been looking at her face, not her tits. 

Eventually, 7 PM rolls around, (or well, a little after) and Karen finishes up her sandwich, and finishes explaining a concept, and, well, "this is probably a pretty good place to stop," she tells him. I should probably get going soon, but -- I'll charge you $35 for the first two hours and $20 for the last one -- so that'll be $90 in total. Is that good?" Karen does in fact know how much her college tuition is, and how much money is really worth, but wow that is a lot of money for her. That much money a week is more than enough spending money. And honestly, when she tells her parents she's making money doing tutoring, they'll probably be ecstatic. Karen is just a little bit looking forward to that call home. 


"Yeah, sure," he says agreeably. He produces ninety dollars in cash and hands it over (and tries not to think about how much he wants to scoop her up and kiss her and tell her she's been good).


"Thanks!" she says with a smile. "I'll see you next week, same time, right! I've got to get going, but I hope you have a great rest of the evening." And she heads off to anime club. Hopefully she'll be there a little early. But not too early. She can always slow down if she gets too close, right? 


Okay. Wow that was a lot. Sean is going to... go for a drive and then check on Valerie. Yeah.


Valerie is having a night out on the town with some friends again, getting men to buy them drinks and laughing in their faces. She's wondering if she should call it early, though. Sean said that he wanted her teased for a while before the next time he used her, and well -- even if it was fun when he did it to her, she's wondering how he'll react if he comes home and she's already teasing herself. She might not even know when he gets there, either -- he has a set of keys, now, and can just, take her whenever he wants. The thought is electrifying. She figures she should probably spend another half hour or so with these girls so they can remember who's boss, and then head off all mysterious-like, go home, and touch herself, thinking about Sean, the man who controls and owns her and everything she does. (Nnnf. Maybe she could make do with only 20 minutes? Or less? It's such a fun hot thought to think about.) 


Well, that's hot. He can drive around for an hour and give her time to accomplish this plan.


After a little bit more toying with the hearts of weak and foolish men with her new, well, call them friends, Valerie tells them that she has to get going. "Where do you go, every night, anyways?" One of her new girlfriends asks. "There's a lot more we can do until class tomorrow!" 

"Oh, nowhere important," she says with a smirk, acting all mysterious. It's funny just how curious the girls get about her -- they do really want to know. She can tell. But she isn't going to tell them. At least, not for now. Thought maybe her Master will want one as a present? She can always ask later. Or she can get one good and drunk and bring her to him as a surprise, wouldn't that be fun? Something to do when things are a little more settled, perhaps. She'd been busy all today and is looking forward of an evening of being used by her owner. (Fuck, owner, that's hot. Mayyyybe she'll be touching herself in the car? Yeah, that'll be fun.)

She toys with her needy little clit, all the way home, thinking about Sean and how he owns her and how much she belongs to him. And how she is devoted to him. And she couldn't escape even if she wanted to. He would just find her and take her and force her to the ground and... nff. Use her however he wanted. Hurt her, or rape her, anything he wanted. She's his. She'll always be his.

It doesn't take too long for her, lying in bed, thinking about the same things, remembering all the things he did to her, using her and doing as he wants with her, whenever he wants, however he wants, before she has to be careful about touching herself. His fucking power over her is intoxicating. She's horny and wet and sticky and she wants to cum but she can't. She's not allowed (well, she is technically, but she wants to please him, so she's pretending she isn't). She is his to command. To control. And she has to obey. That's just how much she belongs to him. Fuck it's so hot, thinking of it. Fuck. She can't wait until he gets back. 



He's careful about entering her apartment, moving quietly and waiting for a moment when she seems especially distracted.

So from her perspective, one second she's alone in bed touching herself, the next her hands are pinned above her head and his cock is inside her.


And it's a really fucking hot couple of seconds when she realizes what's going on. "Oh fuck yessssss," she says, gasping, thrusting her hips up towards him, fucking his cock as he fucks her. She's pinned so she can't escape and he's fucking her and it's really fucking hot and she's so fucking horny. "W-w-welcome home, sir," she says, gasping. "I, I'm glad I please you, siR!!" Fuck that feels amazing. He's just taking her. Just as he should. Just as is his right


He holds her down and kisses her and fucks her, hard, and at first he's paying attention to exactly how to move so he doesn't make her come immediately, but he very quickly stops doing that and just focuses on his own pleasure instead.


For a little while he's doing that thing where he keeps her on edge as he fucks her, and it's hot even when it's so fucking frustrating, but then she comes with him inside her and it's the most amazing thing she's ever felt. Her pleasure is his to take and keep and control and use and she belongs to him and he let her cum and it feels so good and she screams his name as she cums, thrusting back towards him with her hips, making sure he can feel and understand just how good it feels, how appreciative she is for being allowed this, this, this everything. Fuck. 

It takes a few minutes of this for her to calm down, with a blissful smile on her face, and when she's done and is cogent enough to go back to being a more active participant in the sex, she does so, doing whatever she can with her arms pinned down like this to fuck him back and press her body into his and enhance his pleasure any way she can. "I'm yours," she whispers to him, with sudden insight. "I belong to you. You own me, I'm yours, I'm yours, I'm yours, sir." 


"Mmmhmmmmm," he agrees, nuzzling her cheek. "Mine."

He comes not long after that, and then it is time for cuddles.


As always, Valerie is grateful for his cum. She's so very very happy to be enjoyed, and it feels so good and wonderful and tingly to have pleased him.

And then he pulls her in and holds her again and it feels so very very good. She squeezes him back tightly and lets herself be held, still not fully understanding what this is or why it feels so safe and comfortable and lovely, but this, this is worth so very much to her. It makes her just so very happy. So very content to lay her head on him, and relax, and be there with him. And be held. 


And yeah he's totally gonna fall asleep holding her.


Valerie is going to follow suit. Either before or after, it doesn't really matter which. It feels so good to fall asleep like this with him, every single night. 


It really, really does.


He wakes up before her again, and takes his morning blowjob again, but this time it's almost ten o'clock already and she barely has time to swallow before he's hauling himself out of bed to go get dressed and get to class.


Valerie is a little miffed to be so rushed, but if anything it's still very hot and amazing how he can just take whatever he wants from her, as fast or as slow as he'd like, and go off to do other things. She's here to be useful to him, nothing more (fuck, that's hot. Maybe she'll call up one of the boys from her next class and go to their place and fuck him, that ought to get him to do her homework for her, right? Oh it definitely would. Especially if she hints at promising more, for a reward). She bids her owner goodbye, and settles back into bed to touch herself a bit before calling one of them up. The cute one, of course. 


He's a little tempted to keep reading her mind but on the other hand he should pay attention to BEST CLASS.


The professor has chosen their partners at random for this next class, because as she explains, "You won't always get to pick who you're working with, once you're out of college. Consider this practice! And it won't be so bad, I promise." Sean is not partnered up with Zoe, but a different student named Carl. Carl's a little intimidated by Sean (he's really big, and Carl... isn't), but they soon get started doing an experiment where they test a different set of material properties of metals. The professor, just like before, helps them through the first couple of steps ("I won't be doing this every class, mind you! Just the first few, until you all get used to it!"), before letting them off on their own. It's not a particularly complicated experiment, it's a similar sort of concept to last time even though they're doing very different things. 


Carl being intimidated is kind of funny, but Sean tries not to give in to the temptation to mess with him too much. Actually doing the experiment is much more fun.


Carl's clearly not as into it as Sean is, that's for sure. But since Sean seems to be more than happy to do all the hard work, Carl's glad to take down observations as they go, and point out and adjust some settings on some things that look like they might not be quite right. They test a variety of different things as they go, until they come to the end. 

"I'll need these workbooks done by next Tuesday as well," the teacher tells them "but they should be pretty easy to do -- I made sure to make them more straightforward than the ones from Tuesday. Next Tuesday, we're going to go into detail about what exactly we were testing in these experiments, and why -- hopefully it'll make a lot more sense now that you've seen it in action! Please set up a time to meet with your lab partner before Tuesday, so you all can finish up your work by then. But once you're done with the actual practical portion of this experiment, feel free to do whatever you'd like!" 

Carl's more than happy to give Sean his email, and tells him that Saturday will probably work best for him to finish up the workbook, though he's not sure what time yet -- Sean's free to make suggestions, though. 


He suggests one in the afternoon, pretty much arbitrarily.


One in the afternoon's fine with Carl!

They finish up the experiment with a little bit of time to spare. Carl heads out to "get some more studying done." Sean's perfectly free to hang out until the end if he'd like, though.

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