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When Eric calls up the rope trick, she glances between the other people still inside to confirm it's okay to get out, and then climbs down to get a good look at Augustana.


The first thing that strikes her when she lays eyes upon it is the sheer size. Augustana is home to over a hundred thousand souls, and thousands more fill the countryside around; an enormous fortress sits on an island just off shore, around which a dozen great warships lay at anchor. The civilian port to to which they're headed is no less impressive. For all that the ships are not weapons of war, their grand sails reach for the sky, and they are joined by lesser vessels beyond counting that slide into the various docks or make their way under the bridges to head up the river into interior docks. Many of them fly Andoran's flag, a golden eagle on blue and black, but there are vessels hailing from nearly every nation on the inner sea save Cheliax. Their crusade against slavery may not have made them friends, but Augustana is still one of the largest ports around, and it is through it that merchants gain access to the heart of Andoran's commerce.


It's beautiful. Not just because of how it looks, but because it's — somewhere people want to be, rather than somewhere people desperately wish they could leave.

She's not saying anything yet, but even given that she's Chelish her expression is very clear.


"Talk about a sight for sore eyes."


When they arrive at the dock, they're greeted by a customs agent, who asks them to declare their business. He warms considerably when they identify themselves ("Joy, Treason, Liberty, Eric, from the Eagle Knights. We're back from a raid in Cheliax, with a guest.") but still asks Joy to declare he's not bringing any objects past import duties via his bag of holding and very seriously tells Justice that "there's nothing wrong with sticking with them, but if you don't want to, you can leave at any time. Andoran is a free country for everyone."





Cheliax would not have allowed that.

She doesn't actually want to randomly abandon the Eagle Knights, let alone run off to a third country for no reason, but apparently she... could? And not only would that be allowed, the fact that it's allowed is important enough that a total stranger is making a point of telling her.

 "I'm here with them because I want to be," she tells the guard. It still feels sort of incredible that what she wants could possibly matter to anyone but her.


Oh good. In that case welcome to Andoran, they're free to go.

Once off the pier, there are a lot of halflings around; not as many as there are humans, but one for every four doesn't seem very far off? Aside from those two , there are also dwarves, elves, half orcs, and a keep eye might spot an occasional gnome. There are also probably-guards that they occasionally pass by, but they're in light armor and seem quite relaxed.


"So, where do you want to go first?" 

"To grab something to eat, obviously. It's been almost two weeks since I've had something that wasn't dried, salted, or soup."

"I was talking to Justice, and I meant more general than that, like finding a Calistrian temple or going shopping or getting her a place to stay. Though I guess I wouldn't mind getting something to eat either."


Justice is craning her neck as they walk, trying to see as much of Augustana as she can. There are so many people here. And they don't all look happy, plenty of them look tired or stressed or annoyed (and those ones are showing it a lot more than anyone would show it back home), but lots of them do look happy, lots of them are bunched up in groups talking to each other like they actually like the other people they're talking to, and it's not that no one back home was ever happy but something about it feels very different.

They have — it really shouldn't be surprising that they have Calistrian temples. Calistrians are allowed here, there's no reason they wouldn't have temples, it just hadn't specifically occurred to her.

"Visiting a Calistrian temple would be really great. ...It, uh, might make sense to get some food and figure out where I'm staying before we do that, just, I'd really like to visit one as soon as we can, if that's, uh, an option."


Then after a pit at a seafood restaurant that Eric insists on (and lives up to his recommendation, though Justice might get a bit of sticker shock at the prices), Joy finds himself roped into trying to find a place to rent. None of his party members are any help. Liberty always just stays at the local temple or eagle knights chapter house, Eric lacks a real sense of frugality, and then Treason got about halfway through describing a place she knew down in East Copperdown before he had to put his foot down. He comes up with a building near the edge of Oldtown and Arsenal district; the rooms aren't incredibly large, but the roofs don't leak and she won't have to share it with half a dozen people or be too worried about walking home at night. There's a pretty good chance she'll want to find a roomate or something eventually, but better to search for that when the alternative isn't having to sleep on the street.

He begs off the visit to the temple, though, and since Eric dipped back when they started looking into housing that just leaves Treason and Liberty with her.


The temple of Calistria is not the grandest in Augustana. It lacks the historical grandeur of Gozreh or Abadar's temples in Augustana's historic quarter, the central placement of the old Asmodean (and once Arodenite) temples now reclaimed by Iomedae and Milani, or even the fine modern construction common in Torag, Erastil, and Sarenrae's venues in the arsenal district. It's certainly in better shape than any most of the neighboring buildings, and has the size to fit in a number of people, but it's fairly obvious that it got its start maintaining plausible deniability about its status as a venue for worship and has only moderately changed its stance since. The main concession to its status as a place of worship is a highly detailed wasp carved onto the front door.


Well, it's not really the building that's important to her, it's the people.

In goes Justice.


The main foyer plays its own part in this presentation. It's well appointed, but far from posh, and not especially suggestive - they work quite hard to help maintain ambiguity as to which of the temple's services someone is here for. There's a well groomed young man is waiting for them with a smile. "Ladies. What can we help you with today?"



In hindsight she should probably have thought about what she wanted to tell them before she came here.

"Uh, hi. I'm Justice, I'm a priestess of Calistria. And I just got out of Cheliax, and I've never met another priest of Calistria before, and I was wondering if I could, uh, do that?"


He's not a priest of Calistria himself. The main temple of Calistria has only a half dozen empowered clerics, and one of them only part time; she's not the most popular god in Augustana, and many of the clerics she does have either have other things to do with their lives than join an organization. They've still got ties to a fair number of them, but even those who follow her as the lady of lust are hardly limited to doing it from her temple. He is, however, a sincere devotee, and if his eyes widen in surprise it doesn't seem like a bad one.

"Of course, Avenger. I'll go let them know."

He's pretty sure Maya is in not currently entertaining any guests, but possible fellow priestess or no that's really something he needs to check ahead of time; he returns a few minutes later with an affirmative answer.

"Right this way, if you please."


Treason is pretty good at talking under her breath.

"Would you like Liberty or I to go with you, or stay out here? I'm guessing you want some privacy, but you're the one in an entirely new country for the first time, it's your call."


...She feels kind of nervous. Probably this is very silly, it's not like the foreign Calistrian priestess is going to... decide to have her killed for being a Calistrian... but that doesn't actually make her not nervous. And probably Treason wouldn't be offering if she were going to get mad at Justice for asking. 

"I — think I'd rather you come with. ...If I change my mind I'll let you know, if that's alright?"


As expected, Treason is indeed not mad at Justice! She hadn't been expecting her to accept, but it's not as though she didn't mean it.


Since this isn't a business call, they can meet in one of the temple's conference rooms. It's well appointed, with a thick rug covering the floor between a ring of furniture and lit by smokeless torches on the walls. Maya herself is sprawled across a chair facing the door, in a set of loose robes that both leave everything to the imagination and make some pointed suggestions about what to imagine. Her holy symbol is displayed openly, the wasp emblem hanging from a strategically placed necklace; at a guess, she looks to be in her early thirties. A hint of surprise crosses her features when two more people follow Justice in, but rather than comment she gets to her feet with a smile.

"Justice, was it?"



Smile! She's staring a little bit at Maya's holy symbol. 

"That's me! Uh, what about you?"


“Maya Torres. Would you mind casting a spell with this? Anything will do, it doesn’t have to have visible affects.”

She’s got another, simpler wasp decoration in her hands, but her hands were empty a moment ago and Justice didn’t see her grab it from anywhere.


She takes the wasp decoration. (Where did it come from?)



There are a couple of way someone could fake that, but they’re not trivial and it rules out Justice being mistaken, which was the thing she was actually worried about. 

“Welcome, sister. I’m glad you made it out.”

And then unless she objects to this plan Maya is going to pull Justice in for a hug.

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