lost!fëanor in wormverse
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"Yeah, I know, humans are human and you cut yours off and wear it loose and stuff. He didn't do anything wrong and I can't tell everyone I'm an Elf but still. Elves. Don't."


He nods. "I will keep that in mind." And his comm chimes. "I believe Library of Alexandria is here."


"Cool. Where?"


"Upstairs." Mental image—




Library of Alexandria, sitting on a sofa reading a book. She looks up. "Hello, Epic."


"Hi. Legend thought you'd be good at coming up with oaths so I couldn't get Mastered or whatever."


"He's probably right. What kinds of oaths are we looking for, here?"


"Um. It looks like there are kinds that control my body and kinds that implant thoughts or make them seem more tempting or something? Controlling my body isn't that scary, it shouldn't let them control my magic, so what we really want is something to stop me swearing other things under cape influence or being talked into killing people or something."


"Does body-control override oaths?"


"It looks like it should be possible for me to stop myself from swearing things by cutting off blood flow to my tongue - and maybe by just filling my mouth with something sticky, I'll try that - but once I've sworn something there's no override."


"I meant, if you swear not to do something but someone tries controlling your body."


"Depends how they work. Some work, some don't."


"Have you noticed a pattern on which do and which don't?"


"If it works by making me do it, oaths prevent it; if it works by hijacking the body directly, then it's the same as if I swore not to raise my arm and then you grabbed me and raised my arm - the oath can't help with that..."


"But your powers all require mental actions, correct?"




"And those you can swear not to take, even under control?"


"I would expect so."


"How much control are you comfortable offloading?"


"You can also get influenced by masters and there're all the obvious reasons it'd be dangerous to swear not to kill people unless we've discussed it, but it might be worth it to prohibit giving out the spells or wrecking Earth or things like that."


"You could offload it to more people than just me. It's very unlikely a master would get me, it's nigh impossible one would get Eidolon, it's unthinkable they'd do it to both of us."


Nod. "...so something like that I won't give out the spells unless you and Eidolon both think it's a good idea, and I won't feed Earth into a black hole or do other things that predictably kill upwards of ...a million people? unless both of you think it's a good idea, until the peal finds us..."


"Or we both decide to release you from this oath; and we might want to include Legend and Hero in just for redundancy's sake. And perhaps killing upwards of even a thousand people, I'm not sure what situation you're envisioning that might stay between these two values."


"I want to teleport a thing like Behemoth away but it's got a lot of hostages?"

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