lost!fëanor in wormverse
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"I'm not sure habitable land is a pressing issue at the time, and most of our resource constraints are in logistics and incentives rather than production. Ushering a post-scarcity plan would make it easier to do charity."


"Yeah, and making food cheaper and the Internet free and power really really cheap - oh, electric cars, you don't have good electric cars yet, do you? That's easy. And I can do public transit projects overnight and for free - anyway, once the Internet's widespread that helps the logistics and incentives, your food prices will fall a lot when you're not feeding most of it to animals, Cube did a universal basic income starting in Malawi and then spreading it from there..."


"Don't actually know. Their history'd diverged from you by now anyway, because of powers."


"And it doesn't exist anymore here, anyway. It's made up of several territories governed by different warlords."


"I want to do something about that but I don't know what. I could make some people who are better at politics, but like I said, making people's for emergencies."


"I'm not sure politics is the problem, there. There isn't enough cohesion for the concept to even make much sense, it's really many superpowered people keeping power by being scarier than everyone else around and beating them to submission."


"I'm scarier than any of them but I don't want to wade into fights without knowing what I'd do if I won them."


Legend fails to suppress a smile at this.

"We can probably spare some people to figure that out, but that's even more complicated than just solving unambiguous problems like malaria because other countries might take offense to you doing that even if you declare yourself an independent agent," Costa-Brown explains.


"And that's the sort of thing Matirin handled when Butterfly took over the world but I'm not any good at."


She nods. "Probably not worth looking into right now, anyway. We'll finish up that list, but we might want you to eradicate malaria before we're done. Does that work with other similarly transmitted diseases like dengue?"


"Anything with mosquitos as a vector is easy. Some planets just eradicate mosquitos and nothing bad happens."


"Earths? Or other planets?"




"That might be worth looking into, but I'm not sure most environmentalists would just take your word that it's safe as they would about the diseases."


"Yeah. You can also go for just the species that bite people and just in the areas with a lot of disease."


"We'll start with malaria and dengue and similar diseases and might see about that later."


"Sounds good."


"About your healing spell, how comprehensive is it?"


"Doesn't do de-aging, but otherwise it'll restore you to perfect health."


"From how bad an injury or malady?"


"Anything that hasn't killed you."


"But I understand you cannot share this unless it is guaranteed telepaths other than yourself don't exist?"


"Yep, and even then it's a little complicated, I have to make artifacts that make it shareable and they're about 2000 hours of work apiece to make. I could do it in magical acceleration in - like three weeks, if I didn't mess up and didn't sleep, but I'd have to be completely left alone for the three weeks, magical acceleration's weird that way."


"Is it a single artifact like that per person?"

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