lost Epic in Nexus
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"That's perfectly all right," he says, as much to Fëanáro as Amariah.


"I'm sure she's around somewhere if you want to meet her. Maybe hanging out with her alts - or with Juliet's sister, they bonded over being Spontaneous Teenage Relatives."


"Spontaneous teenage relatives?"


"Soph, Juliet's sister, was created from a magical artifact, complete with everyone's memories of her having previously existed, by a weird cult that was trying to keep the artifact safe by putting her in Juliet's protection; what they didn't count on was that Juliet's native mental opacity would hedge out the memories that they tried to implant, so she went home one day and found a stranger and a set of bunk beds in her room and freaked out. Juliet later fork-and-merged to integrate the memories so they're okay now. Helen was conceived and born while I was stranded in another world and when I got back she was already thirteen and there's no counterfactual version of me I can fork and merge to fix it."


He makes a squeaking sound. Rúmil's hand settles firmly on his shoulder. The adult Elves manage to not make a squeaking sound but they do not manage to hide expressions approximately as appalled as if she'd said that she'd given the child to Angband for a well-rounded upbringing.


"...wasn't thrilled when I found out," murmurs Amariah.


That sounds like a cue for abject horror to give way to polite sympathy so they try really hard to do that. They do not entirely succeed. "I can imagine," he murmurs.


"In fairness my boyfriend was trying to just have a random kid and was surprised that she turned out to be a Dominique."



"My boyfriend murdered several hundred thousand people and I did not have much trouble forgiving him but that I do not think I could ever forgive."


"We just wish he'd put her into suspended animation until we got back," says the owl, "but we can't tell her that -"


Nod. "Did he consult your alts on what you'd likely want him to do -"


"When Jane is down she is down, he couldn't talk to any other Bells, not that I really think he would've if one of them had been stuck in Alethia while I was stuck in our-Materia. He did involve my parents some in bringing her up so there's that."


"I am so sorry."




"I almost did that to Boots, I almost got lost for years and years and years -"


"And you wrote us letters, every day, we weren't mad at you, I promise, we were worried for you but you thought about how to make sure we knew you were okay -"


"But if I'd gotten lost in a Materia and that hadn't worked then what - could have, I was jumping at random -"


"Epic," he says, kneeling, "we are upset because we think that anyone grown up enough to think about having another person must think very carefully, not because -"


"Also because anyone who loves a Bell should not hurt them like that."


"...also that. But accidents happen, and what matters is how you make things better, and you worked really hard to make things better and we are not mad at you, we're proud of you."


"- I'm not even sure that's parallel exactly - most of the problem was that I wasn't expecting to suddenly have a kid, let alone a teenage one I was literally not old enough to have had - none of us who got stuck in Materia had kids at the time but if for some reason Angela had been along she would have left four cherubs and come back to four cherubs, just maybe older."


"The - Elf cultural thing you've run into - is that everything, even death, is mendable, but missing someone's childhood isn't - so for that, if Angela'd been stuck in Materia it would have been tragic on the same level. I can see why it'd be far, far more devastating to come back and learn you had a child in the first place in addition to that they grew up without you."


"I would've been annoyed if she hadn't been a Dominique too, but something about knowing she is in fact the kid we would've had if we'd actually decided we wanted kids is - different."


Nod. "Our peal hadn't guessed that it worked that way - I suppose we should have, since it always did within the House of Finwë and there are no Bell-parents who had a first child that wasn't a Bell, but - yes, I can imagine. I'm very sorry."

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