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Two interesting subjects from a world that's not one of the many, many, many variations of Earth, disappear from where they previously were between heartbeats. Possibly even during the middle of a conversation.

Calsa; Kind, caring, and mindful.

Lin; Bold, dutiful, and clever.

They each see a flash of an incredibly immense human male figure looking at them, chuckling, and then throwing them into a dizzying tunnel of light.


And then they are on a beach. The sun is high overhead. It's hot. It's sandy. It's windy, which at least helps with the heat. The ocean waves lap steadily at the shore on one side, and on the other the beach continues for some 200 feet before being broken up by piles of grey-black rocks, with a few palm trees scattered around. Behind the rocks is a lush jungle, violently green. Trees and bushes and grasses and the occasional flower.

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Calsa was at work at the steel mill, so she's distracted by all her flame getting yanked too far away to sustain.

Woah, was that a spiritual experience? And she missed it?!

She looks around at the bizarre landscape, feeling the damp and smelling the salt. Oh, there's a frogold over there. "Hi, I'm Calsa?" If Sotalese doesn't work, she can try writing High Elvish on the sand...


"Hello, Calsa. I'm Lin Kaiet Pali, of -" shouldn't say Kef "Argolake."


"I used to live in Argolake! Did you just get here too? I'm glad we both speak Sotalese. Was it like -" she describes the vision.



I'm trying to tell if we're still on Ansaf..."


"How could we be? It's not that hot and there's all this water."


"Do you know that the wind on Lacrimos is divided into several bands with opposite flows? I've heard speculation that Ansaf could have another storm deep in the drybright, a band where the wind flows darkward at the ground, cooling off as it goes and releasing water. If the water flows brightward again to get picked up by the hotter air, the cycle will continue. I had assumed that the shaded stormlands would be the habitable part, but I suppose that the evaporating water would cool down the air, providing another habitable area."

Lin gazes at jungle. "Something is odd about those plants..."


"Huh. Well, wherever we are, I'd say the metahuman wants us to populate it. Let's go find the rest of the catfolk and frogolds!"


"Mm." As they get closer to the jungle, Lin points at a tree. "Oh! It's shading its own leaves! That's why it looks so dappled.

Which suggests that the wind changes a lot, or the sun moves, or someone made it like that... but this arrangement doesn't produce the maximum amount of shaded leaves, if that was what they wanted, and all the plants are like this even though they're all different types. I think this is a new world.

What shall we call it?"


"Well the others might have a name already, but if we're the first, how about 'E'?" (Literally 'potable water', in an obvious theme with 'Ansaf', which literally means 'rock'.) "Or 'Ensaf'?" She lights up as they go into the jungle.


The rocks would be quite tricky to climb over but if they go to the side for a while they will see a path in a low spot of rocks that someone obviously cleared out- Not a werewolf, the marks look more like tools. (They see a few fallen palm fronds and even a coconut, too, among the general beach debris and crabs.)


If they walk along the rough path of beaten-down and dug out vegetation into the trees, most of them are still palms, though there's a few other varieties. 

And someone is tromping along this path towards the beach, dragging a Travois with four clay pots tied to it with twine. She blinks rapidly at them.

...Her hand goes to a leather waterskin on her hip, uncapping it and bringing out an orb of water which she magically holds above one hand, a little defensively.


Oh good, signs of people.

A person! And of an unfamiliar species, too! ...which means they probably don't speak Sotalese.

Seems wary, so Calsa stops and takes a non-threatening posture: smile, ears forward, tail relaxed, hands up, fingers spread to show she's not holding anything to throw, claws retracted, no flames except the one that was already on her left ear.


Lin stays back far enough that Calsa is beyond frogold range.

...and raises her hands too, since the new person might not recognize frogolds. They might not even recognize catfolk!


"Hi, dost thou canst a language what is similar to my language, so thou canst understand if I declaim slowly and archaically?" Most languages on Ansaf are descended from High Elvish, so it's worth a try!



"No, but I can understand you anyway. It must be part of this place and the weird curse... I'm sorry. You two are probably stuck here now, like us."


"A curse? Hm. Did you seem to be snatched up by a huge person who was possibly not entirely benevolent?"


"Yes, a vast figure that laughed and then a sense of falling... I tried to build a raft and leave. It didn't work. As soon as you get far from the island a huge storm whips up and drives you back here. I have tried eight times."


"That sounds more like hostile people than a 'curse' - uh, which is a fictional term for me, not a real kind of magic, is it fictional for you? Are you sure that a group of people of various species, including water-movers, can't make a storm? What's your species called? My name is Calsa and I'm a catfolk, the most common species where I'm from, and this is Lin, a frogold, a somewhat less common species."


...She puts the water away and sighs.

"I don't know. It'd take an awful lot of them, if they're like me? I can only move about my own size of water at once and storms are big. ...I'm a Deeplin. There's one other person here- That I know of- Theo. He's a Dynafer. He can sense metal and move it, but only directly towards or away from him... Welcome, I guess. Be glad you won't find things as difficult as we did when we first got here. We've got two houses and a little farm inland a ways. It's... Comfortable."

She bites out the last word like it's a swear.


"It could be the big guy doing it." She relaxes too and holds out a handful of fire. "Catfolk make fire, on our bodies or on things we touch. Frogolds grab things and spit them out without the things moving between here and there. I figured that the big guy was the one who originally set up our planet, and he's doing it again now with a new one, but - there's only one of each species and he's keeping us trapped here in particular, so I don't know. How long have you been here?"


Lin approaches behind Calsa. "Are the plants familiar from your home?"


"I have been here for five hundred and twenty-seven [days]. I want out.  And, yes, mostly... Not every variety, but the general types are familiar. Palm trees, Nipa, Bananas... That right there is Lemongrass..."

She points.

"It's edible but not very calorie dense, but good for deterring insects... I think If you two don't mind I want to finish going to the beach and getting water while we talk." She gestures to the travois and the pots she is still dragging. "We are on a dry cycle and the farm needs it."

...She hesitates.

"Also there are these... Weird structures that I haven't really been able to get into. I don't know how to explain it except to show you. There's four that I know about."


"If there's a way out, I hope we can find it together.

How many cycles of sleeping and waking is that for you?"


"There are variations in the weather, separate from the rotation of the planet? Because of the orbit or just the weather, if you know?

I don't recognize any of these particular plants but they look like they could be related, like those with the three-part seedpods, or those flowers with the branching stamen.

Theo arrived when you did, from the same home planet?"

Back to the beach.


"Four structures and four of us? Or two groups of us so far, with two more to come. Some kind of test, maybe..."

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